Abstract Submissions
Abstract Submissions may be linked to an Event or a Session. Submissions can have one or multiple authors which are linked to a customer. Each author has an Author Type and one may be designated as primary.
The Abstract Submission itself may be entered directly into an HTML field or as an uploaded document. The submission has a title, short summary and the actual text of the submission.
Once an abstract is submitted, it can be assigned to one or more Abstract Reviewers, with a due date. When choosing a Abstract Reviewer, you can select only those customers who have already been added to the Reviewer List, which is set up in the Abstract module.
The five standard Group Item Links (Add, Find, List, Run Query, Query Central), are available in the Abstract Submissions group item.
Adding Records
From the Add - Abstract Submission form, you will be able to enter the abstract title, associate the abstract with an event and session, enter the number of pages, select the type of abstract, select the document format (PDF or Word document), select an abstract submission status, enter the submission date, add an abstract summary, and either upload the abstract document using the Browse button, or type the text of the abstract in the text box.
Only Events with the abstract check box selected and a submission date on the event later than the system date will display in the events drop-down list on the Add - Abstract Submission form.
To add an abstract submission:
- Click the Abstracts tab.
- On the Abstracts Overview page, click the Submit an Abstract icon (or select the Add Submission group item link in the Submissions group item). The Add - Abstract Submission form displays.
- On the Add - Abstract Submission form, enter the requested information.
- Click Save.
Finding Records
From the Find - Abstract Submission form you will be able to find abstract submissions that have already been added to the database. You can either search by Abstract Title, Event, or Status.
To find an abstract submission, use the following steps:
- Go to the Abstract Module.
- Either select the Find an Abstract icon or hover over Submissions and select Find Submission.
- Enter the search criteria by either searching by Abstract Title, Event, and/or Status.
- Click Go.
Abstract Submission Profile
The Abstract Submission Profile page shows the abstract submission information, on the left side, and the primary author's contact information on the right side.
The child forms allow you to add a reviewer assignment or add an additional author.
Navigating to the Abstract Submission Profile
To go to the Abstract Submission Profile, use the following steps:
- In the Submissions group item, select the Find (or List) Submission group item link.
- On the Find - Abstract Submission page, enter the abstract submitter's name and click Go. The Abstract Submission Profile displays.
- On the List - Abstract Submission page, click the Go To arrow
of the record you wish to view to go to the Abstract Submission Profile.
Associating an Abstract with an Event
To associate abstracts with an event, you must select the abstract check box on the Add Event or Edit Event page.
To associate abstracts with a session, you must select the abstract check box on the Add or Edit Session pages.
Note: The abstract check box will not display on the Session forms unless the abstract check box is selected on the parent Event form.
After the abstract check boxes are selected on the Event and Session forms, you will be able to select the events and sessions from the event and sessions drop-down lists on the Add - Abstract Submission page.
Entering an Event Date for the Abstract Submission
To enter the event presentation date/time in the abstract submission schedule:
- Go to the Abstract Submission Profile.
- Click the schedule icon. The Edit - Abstract Submission Schedule window displays.
- Enter the event presentation date.
- Enter the start and end times.
- Click Save.
The presentation date, start and end times display on the Abstract Submission Profile page.
Adding an Abstract Author
Abstract Author information is added from the Add Abstract Submission form. (You must add at least one author from this form prior to saving the information. You can add additional authors later from the Abstract Submission Profile.
To add an additional abstract author:
- Go to the Abstract Submission Profile.
- On the Abstract Submission Profile, on the abstract submission author child form, click Add.
- Enter the author name. (To use the Look Up button
, there must be an Individual record for the author in the CRM database.)
- Enter the author type.
- If this author is the primary author of the abstract, select the primary check box.
- Click Save.
Assigning a Submission to an Abstract Reviewer
To assign a submission to a reviewer:
- On the Abstract Submission Profile, abstract submission reviewer child form, click the Add button. The Add - Abstract Reviewer Assignment window displays.
- On the Add - Abstract Reviewer Assignment window, select the reviewer from the drop-down list and enter a due date for the abstract reviewer's comments.
- After you assign a submission to an abstract reviewer, the reviewer's name and the response due date display on the abstract submission reviewer child form on the Abstract Submission Profile.
- Click Save.
Troubleshooting: File Upload Issues
If the file is uploaded into the wrong location, be sure that the FileUploadBaseUrl and FileUploadDirectory system options are properly configured.