Add Advertising Charge Prerequisites
A prerequisite product is a merchandise item, subscription, or publication that must be purchased with or prior to the purchase of another or primary product. Note that although any product can be configured to require a prerequisite, at this time only products of the Product Type listed above can be a prerequisite. Add a prerequisite product when you want to track the products that are required to be purchased before or with this Advertising Charge product.
To add a Prerequisite Product, use the following steps:
- Go to .
- Click the
button. The Add-Product Prerequisite page opens.
- Select an existing merchandise item, subscription, or publication from the required prerequisite drop-down list.
- Select the allow in same order? check box if you want to allow the prerequisite to be ordered with the primary product.
- Click the Save button to save your changes and return to the Advertising Charge Profile page. The newly added prerequisite is now visible on the prerequisites child form. Click the Cancel button to return to the Advertising Charge Profile page without saving your changes.