Campaign Code
A Campaign is a time-sensitive fundraising effort to meet a specific financial goal by a certain date.
When you set up campaign code information, you can select a gift or pledge thank you confirmation e-mail template message to notify the donor that you received their gift or pledge donation. For pledges, you may want to send an initial pledge thank you letter and then also send a follow-up confirmation each time a pledge payment is received. You may have multiple campaign codes for a fund. A campaign code can also be used for multiple funds.
Note: When you set up the confirmation e-mail template, you must select gift or pledge from the list type drop-down list.
The five standard Group Item Links (Add, Find, List, Run Query, Query Central), are available in the Campaign Code group item.
Adding a Campaign Code
Campaigns are created from the Overview group item in the Fundraising module.
To create a new Campaign, complete the following steps from the Fundraising module:
- In the Overview group item menu, select the Overview and Setup group item link. The Overview and Setup page displays. Select the Campaign hyperlink to list all previously created campaigns. You may then click the Add icon
at the top of the page to create a new campaign. The Add - Fundraising List Campaign Codes form opens.
- Complete the fields in the Campaign Information section of the Add - Fundraising Campaign Codes form as follows:
Field Name Required? Description campaign code Required This code will be used in the campaign code drop-down field when entering a gift or pledge and assigning a campaign. active check box Optional The active check box is enabled by default. Specifies if the campaign is currently active and able to be assigned and used. Most often used to designate the current campaign. description Optional Enter a more detailed description of the campaign if needed. start and end dates Optional Used to specify when the campaign will begin and end. You may enter these dates manually, or click on the calendar icon to launch the pop-up calendar window that will allow you to select the dates from a calendar. campaign goal Optional A dollar amount used to designate the financial goal of the campaign. email campaign Optional Drop-down to assign a specific email messaging campaign (set up in Marketing) to to the campaign if desired. gift template Optional Enter a gift template to use to send an acknowledgment to the notificant that a gift has been made to this campaign. Set up in Marketing. pledge template Optional Enter a pledge template to use to send an acknowledgment to the notificant that a gift has been made to this campaign. Set up in Marketing. notes Optional Enter any additional notes as needed for the campaign. - Click the Save button. You will now be able to use this campaign with a fund.
Finding a Campaign Code
There are multiple ways to locate a record using the Find page (for detailed methods on how to locate records, see the Find page). The Find functionality is universal throughout netFORUM. The results will display in a List page, which is also universal throughout netFORUM.
The Campaign Code information is stored in the database by the "columns" (fields) you selected during the Add Campaign process. Only a pre-defined set of columns pertaining to Campaign Codes will be available to you on the Find - Campaign Codes page.
Find vs. Query
The Find page is setup with a pre-defined set of columns (fields) versus a Query which allows you to select from ANY column in the search Table.
To navigate to a Campaign Profile page, complete the following steps:
- Go to the Fundraising Module.
- Expand the Advanced Find Links group item located on the left-navigation bar.
- Select the Find Campaign group item link.
- You may also select the Campaign hyperlink on the Overview page to view a list of previously created campaigns.
The Campaign Code Profile
The Fundraising Campaign Code Profile page shows the campaign code, start and end date for the campaign, and the active check box status. It also lists all associated Marketing templates such as the gift, pledge, and email campaign. You may click the Goto Messaging Campaign hyperlink to go directly to the email campaign if needed. Finally, both the campaign goal and funds raised to date are shown.
Campaign Code Profile Child Forms
The Campaign Profile Info tab contains child forms that allow you view which funds and appeals it has been linked to. You may also set up recognition levels that may be achieved by campaign as opposed to a general constituent recognition level (set up in Fundraising Setup) or by fund, which is set up on the fund itself.
Related Funds
The Related Funds child form displays any Funds associated with the campaign. It includes the:
Purpose [of the fund]
You must link the campaign to the fund when you add a fund from the fund group item on the Overview page before it will appear under this child form.
Click the Goto icon to go to the Fund Profile.
Related Appeals
The Related Appeals child form displays any Appeals associated with the campaign. It includes the:
Appeal Code
You must link the campaign to the appeal when you add an appeal from the appeal group item on the Overview page before it will appear under this child form.
Click the Goto icon to go to the Appeal Profile.
Campaign Recognition Level
The Campaign Recognition Level child form displays recognition levels that have been set up for the campaign specifically as opposed to levels that have been set up for a fund or general recognition levels that are tracked by constituent donations and that are enabled in fundraising set up. It includes the:
Recognition Level [name]
Minimum Amount [contribution needed to reach the recognition level]
Maximum Amount [needed before the next recognition level is recognized]
Include Soft Credits [designates whether or not soft credit contributions are counted toward the level]
Click the Add icon to add a new recognition level to the campaign.
Managing Campaign Codes
Adding a Recognition Level for a Campaign
You now have the ability to track recognition levels for campaigns in NetForum. This is in addition to general recognition levels set up in Fundraising Setup and to recognition levels set up for a Fund.
Important! Only gifts made toward funds with the track recognition level check box enabled may have recognition level tracked. For this reason, it is recommended that specific funds be enabled in addition to the constituent recognition level. For more information, view the topic and section on Fund and Campaign Recognition Level on the Fundraising Setup page for more information on enabling recognition level for specific funds and campaigns.
The campaign recognition level childform on the Campaign Profile lets you quickly add recognition levels to a campaign for a constituent to achieve per campaign. You may click the add record icon to begin adding as many recognition levels to the campaign as desired. The Add - Campaign Recognition Level window appears.
Complete the campaign recognition level window as follows:
Field Name | Required? | Description |
campaign code | Optional | The campaign code of the current profile is already filled and read-only here. |
recognition level | Required | This will be the name of the recognition level you are creating for the campaign such as Contributor, Gold, or Platinum Contributor. |
minimum amount | Optional | This is the minimum amount that must be contributed by the constituent to reach the recognition level. |
maximum amount | Optional | This is the maximum contribution amount that is allowed this level before the next recognition level is achieved. |
include soft credits | Optional | Enable this check box if you want soft credits to be included toward the recognition level. |
Click the Save button to add the recognition level to the campaign.