What's New in NetForum Enterprise 2017.1.21
This document describes the changes and resolved issues for this version of the product.
What's New Overview
Enhancements & Updates
The User Profile has been enhanced to include Ideas Portal icon link that takes you to the NetForum Enterprise User Suggestions page where you can add your suggestions and ideas related to the NetForum Enterprise application. This profile is also updated with a Configurable Landing Page Message field, initially this was just a message displaying field at the top on the user profile which cannot be modified. Associations can now customize and configure as per their need and use this field to inform or update their users by adding text message or any data in the form of hyperlink, image or file using the Edit Form Designer. Refer User Profile topic for more details.
Current UI update: A No Delete Button? check box has been added on the Form Element Edit model pop-up available on Form Designer for Edit forms that has Delete button option. User having Form Designer access privileges can now disable or enable the Delete button on need basis using the Edit Form Designer on Current UI. Refer Form Element Edit Window: Basic Tab for detailed steps.
UI Conversions
Below is the list of pages converted to the Current UI:
Module | Description |
CRM | Organization > Add Organization |
CRM | Organization profile > Relations tab > Individuals > Add Organization Affiliation |
Resolved Issues
The following list contains Classic UI issues that were fixed in NetForum 2017.1.21 service pack. The Netsuite issue number is included for your reference.
Netsuite ID | Product Area | Description |
26624 | Accounting | When a membership and misc. product are purchased and an automatic coupon is applied for the dues, while paying the order with installment payments, the system now calculate and populates the correct payment amount. Also, the coupon applied once in the cart now will not affect the future payments. |
19487 | Accounting | If an individual has credits available and attempts to add product using Quick Add field in the COE form, the system now reflects all the details of Credits on the Apply Credit form. |
22412 | Accounting | For collective dues, on the invoice profile, if you click the Distributed Liabilities Report link on the Reports menu, the displayed Add -Distributed Liability Report form now list customers in the alphabetical order. Also, when clicked on column heading, the form now re-arranges the list. |
26415 | Accounting | For a proforma invoice, when you edit a line item to update the price and later adding payment to the associated product's line item will not change shipping price to zero. The system now populates the actual shipping price on the Add Payment form. |
26676 | Accounting | Optimized Deferrals: When running a Recognize Revenue process for an accounting period, the system now completes the Recognize Revenue process successfully without generating Out of Memory Exception. |
24266 | Accounting | Discount Ledger record now populates the correct Intacct Class dimension for discount product line item when a product is purchased with a discount applied. |
26587 | Accounting | When a product with 100% discount/deferred item is cancelled, now no WriteOff record will be generated for such products in the invoice profile. |
26682 | Accounting | OptimizedDeferrals: Changing batch period now updates deferral schedules, that is, system now updates the recognize deferral schedules when moving batch to future. |
26622 | Accounting | The Import File Task now runs and completes successfully even for CUSTOM Object used in Import with TXT or CSV files. |
25300 | Admin | When a group in NetForum has certain permissions set to DENY, now they are not counted as isAuthorized. That is, if NetForum customer admin has set certain group item links as DENY for specific groups, now those groups will not be allowed to see and select the restricted group item links. |
26595 | Centralized Order Entry | When you add a package through COE (iWeb) having subscription with shipping region configured in it, the system now populates the shipping cost only once in the line items field. |
22139 | CRM | Address fields now by default populates the most recently added/changed non-linked address on Add-Customer Payment Info form. If a customer already has a non-linked primary and another non-linked non-primary address is added, then the primary address will by default populate on the Add-Customer Payment Info form. |
26227 | CRM | Currently, autocomplete works in both Current and Classic UI in Chrome and Edge (single click or type-ahead in a field). Firefox works only in Classic UI with a double-click and type-ahead in a field. IE does not work. |
25087 | Deploy Tool | Deploy Tool Schema Compare: The encrypted objects are not decrypted now by the Deploy Tool when Schema option Decrypt 2005 and 2008 encrypted objects is not checked. If the option is checked, it now decrypts the encrypted objects. |
26122 | E-Marketing | For a Recurring Call To Action, if you edit a scheduled job on the Scheduled Messages child form for updating the send date field, this field now displays the updated time along with the date. Also, the updated time now populates on the scheduled job record on the Scheduled Messages child form. |
23725 | E-Marketing | The email received on eWeb forgot password now contains a working change password page link. The click here link on email now display site information in the URL and clicking on the link takes you to the eWeb Reset Password page where you can reset a password. |
21343 | Events | When you cancel an event registration and include the cancellation reason (mentioned on the Edit - Registrant Cancellation Wizard| Event Cancellation form) the cancellation reason now reflects on the Cancel Registration Info section of the Registrant profile information panel. |
26248 | Events | While creating Event Group Registration, if you enter the ADA & Special Dietary Needs information in the Add - ADA/Housing form of the Event Group Registration Wizard for main attendee and for Guest, then the ADA & Special Dietary Needs information now gets saved for the main Registrant as well as for Guest and the same can be seen on the Edit - Events Registrant form of the main Registrant and Guest. |
24285 | Events | On the Event Cancellation Wizard, when selecting the Cancellation Fees line item for a registrant, now the cancel date and Cancellation Reason fields will not disappear, and these fields can be updated as needed. |
26744 | Events | On an Events Sponsor profile, when you click Edit > Events Sponsor, the Edit - Sponsor Profile form now loads properly. |
26618 | eWeb | Users using right credentials can now log into eWeb who were facing the hashtable insert failed login error. |
26386 | eWeb | On eWeb, now users can successfully complete an order purchase with confirmation message displayed and no error message get logged in the database for the transaction. |
25596 | Fundraising | If the GiftsToIncludeInToDateAmounts system option is set to include Soft Credits, any soft credits given will be included in YTD and other sums on the constituent record under the Giving History & Giving Milestones section of the constituent's profile information panel. |
The following list contains Current UI issues that were fixed in NetForum 2017.1.21 service pack. The Netsuite issue number is included for your reference.
Netsuite ID | Product Area | Description |
26599 | Baseline Reports/Queries | For any dynamic report dashboard that supports hovering, when you click on a specific data in the Dashboard report, the system now returns a list page with the specific data of the report (displays same number of records that the bar showed.) |
25905 | Committees |
When you disable Delete button in Classic UI (by selecting No Delete Button? on the Edit Dynamic Form) for any Edit form, the system updates the respective Edit page for Classic UI only. To disable the Delete button on any Edit form for Current UI, you need to use the Form Designer of Current UI. For this, go to any Edit form on Current UI, click the Render as Full Page |
26616 | CRM | RLS sites now works with Current UI and List Results now get loaded in RLS sites. |
24043 | CRM | If a new Individual record added to the Recent Records reaches the set maximum limit (based on user preferences setting), then the system now updates the Recent Records list by removing the last individual record without overwriting the Organization Recent Records. |
25119 | CRM | If you attempt to add invalid format phone/fax number (that is incorrect as per the selected country phone/fax input mask) for an organization, the system now validates the phone/fax number and displays an alert pop-up with an error message and an option to still save the phone/fax number or cancel to change the phone/fax number. |
24421 | CRM | On an Address & Phone Setup page, the State/Territory and Mailing Label Format grandchild forms available under the Address tab > Country Setup child form now displays proper results based on the country you are on. |
26608 | E-Marketing | From a List Results or Query List Results page, if you select record(s) and attempt to add to a mailing list using Communication > Add Group to a Mailing List, the system now pulls a distinct list of the records in the query and add them to the mailing list. |
26673 | Events | Performance update in terms of loading time for great-grandchild forms. |
26216 | Events | On an Event Registrant Profile, when you refresh the page and while it is reloading, if you try to open any form or attempt to perform any action on the profile, now the system will not allow until the profile page gets loaded. |
26336 | Framework |
When you disable Delete button in Classic UI (by selecting No Delete Button? on the Edit Dynamic Form) for any Edit form, the system updates the respective Edit page for Classic UI only.
To disable the Delete button on any Edit form for Current UI, you need to use the Form Designer of Current UI. For this, go to any Edit form on Current UI, click the Render as Full Page |
26548 | Membership | On an Association profile, while expanding the Products grandchild form on one of the products (Products grandchild form is available on the Membership packages child form under the Dues tab), now the page will not redirect to the Association profile in Classic UI, it will remain in the current UI. |
26550 | Time and Billing | The Edit Project Task form now displays with proper form length. |