Using the Individual Event Registration Wizard on eWeb
When an event is available for registration, the Event Registration Wizard facilitates the registration process with a step-by-step process both on iWeb and eWeb.
This topic is specific to the new Event Registration Wizard being developed for use when registering for an event on eWeb.
Important: To preview the new Event Registration Wizard, contact Abila Support to enable the EwebShowNewEventRegistrationWizard system option
Note: For System Administrators, to turn the preview of the new Event Registration Wizard on and off, use the Client System Options Setup page available in the Administration Module at: Administration -> User Management -> Edit Client System Options. Scroll down the list of options to find the EwebShowNewEventRegistrationWizard option and click in the box to turn the system option on and then click Save. There is a delay returning to the existing Event Registration Wizard when turning off the option until the server cache clears. If needed, contact Abila Support to initiate an immediate server cache cleanup.
Note: For information about using the existing event registration wizard for individual registrations on eWeb, individual registrations on iWeb, and group registrations on both iWeb and eWeb, see Using the Event Registration Wizard on iWeb and eWeb.
Before the registration wizard appears on eWeb, the customer must be logged in before beginning to register for an event. The Register button on the Event Details or Upcoming Events page will prompt for a log-in when clicked if the customer is not logged in. Once logged-in, the wizard will then appear and the customer may register.
Individual Event Registration Wizard
Complete event registration using the Individual Event Registration Wizard.
Note: If an individual tries to register for an event for which they are already registered, and the event does not allow duplicate registrations, the individual can't register. A message displays stating registration has already been made and who to contact for more information.
- Select the desired event.
- Online Store - Click the event title in the Online Store.
- Event Details page - Click the event details link in the Online Store and then click the Self Registration button.
- Upcoming Events page - Click the Individual button in the Register column next to the desired event.
- Complete the Registrant Details and click Next.
- Registration Fee - If only one registration fee type is available for an event it will display next to the Registrant Details heading in Step 1. If more than one registration fee type has been set up for an event, select the appropriate fee from the Select Registration Fee drop-down list next to the Registrant Details heading in Step 1. Early, regular, and late registration fees are already selected and applied, based on registration date.
- Badge Information - Review the Name, Badge Name, Organization, Job Title and Location in the Badge Information area of the Step 1 window. Default registration information will already be populated based upon the customer’s log-in. Click the Pencil icon if updates are needed for the First, Last, and Badge name. Adjust the fields as needed and click Save.
- Add a Guest - If Guest Registration has been enabled for this event, the customer may register up to 10 guests through the Event Registration Wizard once their own sessions have been selected first. Click the Add a Guest button and select a Dues Rate. Complete the First, Last, and Badge name fields and click Add.
- Demographic Fields - If the collection of demographic information has been added for this event, complete the demographic fields before continuing with the event registration.
- Education Credits - If education credits are offered for the event, a notice displays the type and amount of credits available with the event.
- Complete the Select Sessions for <Registrant> and click Next.
- No sessions available - If no sessions are available for an event continue on to Step 3.
- Sessions available - Select the desired sessions to attend during the event. Depending on how sessions are set up, some sessions may become unavailable for selection as other sessions are selected based on conflicting scheduling. Use the Pagination buttons to advance through multiple pages of sessions if more sessions display than can displayed on a single page.
- Review Order and click Register Now.
- Review the Shopping Cart and click Check Out.
- Apply a Source Code from the Source Code drop-down list.
- Apply a Discount Code in the Discount Code field and then click the Apply Discount button.
- Click on the X for a Shopping Cart Item to remove that item from the Shopping Cart.
- Update Cart button to refresh the Shopping Cart view.
- Empty Cart button to remove all the Shopping Cart contents.
- Continue Shopping button to return to the Online Store.
- Hyperlinked name for a Shopping Cart Item to return to the Event Registration Wizard.
Once returned to the wizard, you can add additional event guests, and event sessions for those guests. Removing the main registrant, guests, and their related sessions, must be done from within the Shopping Cart by clicking on the X for that item. Items that are already in the Shopping Cart will display a shopping cart icon. -
- Continue with Checking Out in eWeb to complete the purchase and registration for a paid event.
How you select the desired event depends on if you found the event through the:
The Individual Event Registration Wizard displays with Step 1 - Registrant Details open.
The fields available for completion in Step 1 in the registration wizard depends on how the event was set up.
A Guest Box displays with the Guest Name. Click the Pencil icon to edit the guest information or click the Delete icon to remove the guest.
Note: A red asterisk denotes a required field.
See Setting up Event Registrant Demographics for additional information about event demographics.
See Managing Event Education Credits, Scores, and Grades for additional information about event education credits.
Click Next after all Registrant Details are complete to display Step 2 - Select Sessions for <Registrant>.
The fields available for completion in Step 2 in the registration wizard depends on how the event was set up.
Sessions with education credits available will display the credit type and amount.
Click Next after all sessions are selected to display Step 3 - Review Order.
Alternatively, click the Back button to return to Registrant Details to make changes or click the expand\collapse arrow next to Registrant Details to review existing entries.
Free Events - The primary and additional email fields display. The primary email field is selected by default. Optionally, enter an additional email address. The emails are sent when Register Now is clicked and registration is complete.
Paid Events - The total for all event fees and sessions fees displays. Clicking Register Now brings the registrant to the Online Store Shopping Cart.
Sessions with education credits available will display the credit type and amount.
Alternatively, click the Back button to return to previous steps to make changes or click the expand\collapse arrows next to the previous steps to review existing entries.
Before checking out you can:
Event Sessions with education credits available will display the credit type and amount.
Alternatively, click the: