Credit Profile

A credit is created when one of the following happens:

  • a paid invoice is canceled.
  • the payment amount is greater than the amount due (overpayment).
  • an internal user Manually creates a credit.
  • the organization offers a special credit to the customer.

Note: Before netFORUM can create a credit, you have to set the appropriate general ledger accounts (Liability and Overpayment) on the Business Unit profile page. The Liability Account is credited when a paid invoice is canceled. The Overpayment Account is credited when an invoice is overpaid. For more information on the netFORUM debits and credits, visit the Accounting Use Cases page.

Note: For the special credit, debit the expense or revenue account, instead of the cash account. The credit amount can be refunded to the customer, or it can be used as payment for an open invoice.


Coupons are treated as credits. Coupons can be set up for use with a particular product type, in which case, the coupon will display only for its associated product type in Centralized Order Entry (COE). When the automatically apply check box is selected, the coupon is applied automatically when its associated product type is selected in COE. However, unlike a credit, a coupon is nonrefundable.

Credit Profile Information

The credit profile contains the following information:

Field Description
customer name Displays the full name of the customer that this credit belongs to. Click the linked name to go to the Individual Profile for the customer.
transaction code Displays the netFORUM-generated, unique number for this transaction.
source Displays the user-selected source code for this credit.
credit reason Displays a reason for this credit generated by netFORUM. For example, when you cancel a gift or void a pledge, netFORUM generates a credit with the reason Return Credit.
credit date Displays the user-selected date of the credit.
reason Displays a user-entered reason for this credit. iWeb users can enter a credit reason when they create a new credit or edit an existing credit.
notes Displays the user-entered notes about this credit.

The Credit Payment Information section contains the following information:

Field Description
batch Displays the full name of the batch used to process this credit. Click the linked batch name to go to the Batch Profile.
media code Displays the user-selected media code. TBD
payment Displays the payment method your organization used to refund the credit. Click the linked name of the payment method to go to the Edit -Payment Information page.

Credit Profile Actions

You can perform the following actions from the Credit Profile page:

  • Edit the Profile
  • Void Credit
  • Refund/Write Off Credit

Credit Child Forms

The child forms section of the Credit Profile is divided into three tabs. Each tab contains child forms with information related to the Credit Profile.

The Credit Profile offers the following tabs:

  • Detail
  • Order
  • Change Log

Detail Tab

Use the Detail tab to see a list of information about the credit such as credit amount, or if the credit is void or adjusted. The Detail tab has the following child form: the detail child form.

Order Tab

Use the Order tab to see a list of information about the order that created the credit. For example, you can see the order code and the transaction date. The Order tab has the following child form: the order child form.

Change Log Tab

Use the Change Log tab to see a list of information about the changes made to the credit such as changed by user name and change date. The Change Log tab has the following child form: the change log child form.