File Import Utility

The File Import utility allows you to upload data into netFORUM using pre-configured data mapping.

The server where netFORUM is installed must also have the Microsoft Office System Driver, version 2010 or later. Verify that this driver is installed before you attempt to import files into netFORUM. For more information see the system requirements.

This utility is slightly different from the Import Wizard found in the Sales module and the Data Import Utility found in the Admin module.

Using the File Import Utility

To use the File Import utility, you must complete the following steps:

  • Prepare the file you will import. This file can be .xls, .xlsx., csv, or .txt.
  • Select a File Definition
  • Upload the file into netFORUM
  • Schedule the import
  • Set the notification settings
  • Save and import the data

Preparing the File

You may prepare your import file to meet your needs. There is no mandated way for the file to be organized, nor is there a required number of columns or fields you must populate. However, being thorough in your file design and including all of the fields you will need for data import will save you time in netFORUM from having to go back and edit each record individually should you wish to add a field.

To create your file, complete the following steps:

  1. Create your file with a column for each field you wish to populate in netFORUM, such as Organization ID, First Name, Last Name, and so on. You only need to include those fields that you desire for your import, you are not required to include all of the netFORUM fields available.
  2. Enter your individual or organization information to each of the appropriate columns, for each record.
  3. Save your spreadsheet in one of the supported formats.

Note: When creating your file, you must follow the File Definition you will be using for this import. File definitions are created by those with administrator rights using the Data Import Utility.

Schedule the File Import Process

To use the File Import utility, complete the following steps:

  1. Expand the Module Menu and click the Marketing link to open the Marketing module.
  2. Click the Module Items arrow to expand the Module Items menu.
  3. Click the File Import link to display the File Import options.
  4. Click the File Import option.

    This will open the File Import utility.

  5. Select the file definition key you will be using for this process.

    The file definition key contains the fields and the mappings to netFORUM fields that will be used for this data import.

    Note: The file definition must exist before using the File Import utility. If no file definitions exist, one must be created in the Admin module using the Data Import Utility.

  6. Click the Browse button to locate the data file you have prepared for this upload.
  7. Once located, double (left) click on the file to select it or single (left) click the file to highlight it and click the Open button. This will insert the path name of this file into the Upload file field.
  8. Set the run task datetime value to schedule when this import process will run.

    By default, the date and time entered are the current time plus five minutes. Clicking the Now link will also schedule this import for the current time, plus five minutes.

    To set the time in the future, left click inside the run task datetime field. This will expand a scheduling calendar. Click on the date you wish to schedule this import process, and set the exact time from the Time fields.

    Once you click anywhere outside of the Date/Time pop-up menu, it will close and insert the time that was selected into the run task datetime field.

    If you would like this import process to run after a previously scheduled task, expand the execute after task drop-down menu and highlight the task you wish this import process to run after.

    If desired, you may select a notification template to be used to inform you when the process completes (either successfully or unsuccessfully.)

  9. Expand the notify template drop-down menu and select the notify template you wish to use for the notifications regarding this import process.
  10. Enter the email address of the individual who is to receive the notifications regarding this process in the notify e-mail field.
  11. Select the conditions that will trigger the notification email(s) to be sent by checking the notify conditions checkboxes. Only those conditions whose checkbox is selected will trigger a notification email.

    In the example above, notification emails will be sent when this process succeeds, fails, or completes with errors. Notification emails will not be sent when the process begins.

  12. Expand the recurrence drop-down menu and select how often you would like this file import process to run.

    If the process is only to be run one time, select the Once option.

    Choosing one of the regularly scheduled recurring options will display additional fields that correspond to the frequency you selected. Complete the necessary fields for your recurrence option.

  13. Click the Create Task button.

    Your import task will be scheduled and you will be taken to the Import File Profile page.

    This profile page provides all of the information that was set pertaining to this import process. You can also expand the history child form to view the history of this process.