Copy Report

Copy a Report when an existing report already exists in the system so you can configure the name, location, parameters and other information about a report so that users can launch the report in netFORUM.

To copy a report:

  1. In the Admin module, expand the Report Setup group item and click Copy Report.

    The Copy Report Utility screen displays with the following entry fields:

    Field Name Required Description
    Copy Report From Required Choose the report you want to copy from the drop-down list.
    Copy Report Parameters Optional Check the box to copy the report parameters.
    Report Name Required Enter a name for the report. The default is the original report name plus 'copy.'
    Report Description Optional Enter a description for the report. Typically the description is longer and more detailed than the report name. The default is the original report description.
    RDL Path Required Enter the path where the Reporting Services RDL is stored. This is offset from the Report Manager folder designated as the root folder for this site in the RSRootClientReportFolder system option. The default is the original report RDL path.
    RDL File Name Required Enter name of the RDL file that is deployed to the Reporting Services server. The default is the original report RDL file name.
  1. Click Copy Report to save the report and progress to the Edit - Report screen to complete the report creation.