Edit Report

Edit a Report when you need to update the name, location, parameters and other information about a report so that users can launch the report in netFORUM.

To edit a report:

  1. In the Admin module, expand the Report Setup group item and click List Reports.
  2. In the List - Report screen, click a report.

    The Edit - Report screen displays with the following entry fields:

    Field Name Required Description
    Report Name Required Enter a name for the report.
    Report Description Optional Enter a description for the report. Typically the description is longer and more detailed than the report name.
    Separate Pages? Optional This setting is specific to Crystal Reports and has no functionality for Reporting Services.
    Page To Tree Ratio Optional This setting is specific to Crystal Reports and has no functionality for Reporting Services.
    Report Object Required Choose the object associated with this report. If your report parameters use any parsed values that are defaulted, then these parsed values must exist as controls of that object. (See Report Parameters for more information on this.) If in doubt as to whether that control exists, navigate to the object in the Toolkit module, and click list controls for this object to see which controls belong to that object.
    Override Sql Optional This setting is specific to Crystal Reports and has no functionality for Reporting Services.
    Run Report From Optional Select that the report can be run from either the Reports Central/Form Link or Query/Find/List Results Page.
    Has Parameter? Optional Check the box if the report has report parameters.
    Ignore Stored Images? Optional

    Check this box to set the report to ignore header and footer images stored in the Report Manager.

    Note: When this setting is turned off, netFORUM will try to replace the first image object found in the page header and footer sections of the RDL with the images designated by the ReportApplicationRSHeaderImagePath and ReportApplicationRSFooterImagePath system options.

    As mentioned in Reporting Services Report Manager Configuration, this setting controls whether the report should ignore the header and footer images stored in the Report Manager folder designated for the storage of such images. If you wish for the report to display no images, or you have designed the RDL with an image that is specific to that report, then this setting should be turned on.

    RDL Path Required Enter the path where the Reporting Services RDL is stored. This is offset from the Report Manager folder designated as the root folder for this site in the RSRootClientReportFolder system option.
    RDL File Name Required Enter name of the RDL file that is deployed to the Reporting Services server.
    Output Format Optional Select the output format: HTML (default), PDF, Excel, Word, CSV, or XML.
    Enable Dashboard? Optional Check this box to make the report a dashboard report.
    Data-Driven Subscription? Optional Check this box to set up data-driven subscription delivery of the report. When this box is checked, additional fields which need to be populated open, as described in Data Driven Subscription .
  3. Click Save to save the report and return to the previous screen. Click Delete to delete the report and return to the previous screen. Click Cancel to return to the previous screen without saving your changes.

Working with Report Parameters, Mapping, and Links

Review these topics for information about completing the creation or editing of a report.