Report Management Tools

The Report Management Tools screen is separated into three sections:

  • Primary: Manage netFORUM reports from this form.
  • Permissions: Check permissions on database stored procedures that run reports.
  • Systems Options: Manage system options.

The Primary section of the Report Management Tools is the default view. Click More and then either Permissions or System Options to change the view.

Click the Expand/Collapse button to expand and collapse the list or click the New Window button to open the list in a new window.

Additional information about working with list views is available in List.


The Primary section contains child forms that show user login information for reports, report links in from which reports are run, either as form links or from report central, as well as other child forms that show reports with no links, locked reports, and reports presumed to be client reports.

Netforumreportuser Sql Login

Lists the SQL Login used for reports. If you do not see a LoginName, then that user is orphaned and running the report fails. Run exec dbo.sp_change_users_login @action='Auto_Fix',@UserNamePattern='netForumReportUser' to fix.

Column Name Description
UserName Lists the user name.
RoleName Lists the user role name.
LoginName List the user login name.
DefDBName TBD.
DefSchemaName TBD.
UserID Lists the user ID.
SID Lists the computer security identifier.

Reports Run From Form Link

Lists the forms with reports available from a link within the form.

Column Name Description
Folder (icon) Click the folder icon to open the folder and list the individual reports.
Form Description Lists the form description.
Form Title Lists the form title.
Number Lists the number of form linked reports.

Lists the reports available from a link in the form.

Column Name Description
Pencil (icon) Click to open the report in Edit Report (child window).
Arrow (icon) Click to open the report in Edit Report (main window).
Report Name Lists the report name.
Report Path & File Lists the report path and file name.
Deleted? Indicates whether or not the report has been deleted.
Locked Indicates whether or not the report is locked.
Run (button) Click to run the report.

Reports Run From Report Central

Lists the reports available from Report Central .

Column Name Description
Folder (icon) Click the folder icon to open the folder and list the individual reports.
Content Group Lists the content group in Report Central.
Number Lists the number of reports in the content group.

Lists the reports available from a link in the form.

Column Name Description
Pencil (icon) Click to open the report in Edit Report (child window).
Arrow (icon) Click to open the report in Edit Report (main window).
Report Name Lists the report name.
Report Path & File Lists the report path and file name.
Group Item Lists the report group item.
Deleted? Indicates whether or not the report has been deleted.
Locked Indicates whether or not the report is locked.
Run (button) Click to run the report.

Reports With No Links

These reports do not have links to Report Central or Forms. They are either unused or are called from within hyperlinks or program code.

Column Name Description
Pencil (icon) Click to open the report in Edit Report (child window).
Arrow (icon) Click to open the report in Edit Report (main window).
Report Name Lists the report name.
Report Path & File Lists the report path and file name.
Deleted? Indicates whether or not the report has been deleted.
Locked Indicates whether or not the report is locked.
Run (button) Click to run the report.

Locked Reports

These reports are locked.

Column Name Description
Pencil (icon) Click to open the report in Edit Report (child window).
Arrow (icon) Click to open the report in Edit Report (main window).
Report Name Lists the report name.
Report Path & File Lists the report path and file name.
Deleted? Indicates whether or not the report has been deleted.
Locked Indicates whether or not the report is locked.
Run (button) Click to run the report.

Client Reports

These reports are custom client reports located in the client folder.

Column Name Description
Pencil (icon) Click to open the report in Edit Report (child window).
Arrow (icon) Click to open the report in Edit Report (main window).
Report Name Lists the report name.
Report Path & File Lists the report path and file name.
Deleted? Indicates whether or not the report has been deleted.
Locked Indicates whether or not the report is locked.
Run (button) Click to run the report.


The Permissions section contains this Report Management Tool.

Presumed Report Stored Procedures Without Permissions

These database stored procedures do not have execute permission. If these stored procedures are used by a report, the report will not run.

Column Name Description
SP Name Lists the stored procedure name.
Presumed Report Lists the presumed report.
Run (button) Click to run the report.

System Options

The System Options section contains these Report Management Tools.

Netforumreportuser Sql Login

Lists the SQL Login used for reports. If you do not see a LoginName, then that user is orphaned and running the report fails. Run exec dbo.sp_change_users_login @action='Auto_Fix',@UserNamePattern='netForumReportUser' to fix.

Column Name Description
UserName Lists the user name.
RoleName Lists the user role name.
LoginName List the user login name.
DefDBName TBD.
DefSchemaName TBD.
UserID Lists the user ID.
SID Lists the computer security identifier.

Report System Options

Lists the report system options.

Column Name Description
Pencil (icon) Click to open the report in Edit - System Option (child window). More information about system options is available in the System Options Reference.
Option Lists the system option name.
Option Description Lists the system option description.
Value Lists the system option configurable value.
Locked Indicates whether or not the system option is locked.