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SMTP Relay


This option affects netFORUM e-mail functionality for confirmation e-mails and e-mail messaging functions. If enabled, netFORUM will send e-mails, otherwise e-mails will not be sent by netFORUM. For security reasons, the default is disabled.

If you have a test/dev site on which you want to send emails in controlled cases, but prevent accidentally sending out emails to real people, then try the following solution: Configure a new STMP server and set that SMTP server to relay emails only if the email address contains your organization's own domain (and domains of your vendors and consultants and Abila, if necessary).

Next, set the SMTPServer system option to the value of that STMP Server. Once you've done this, you can send emails to your own business email address (as can your colleagues) but emails won't accidentally go out to anyone else.

Default value
