Add Exam

Add an Exam to test the knowledge and skills of your participants. Add an Exam as part of a course or a session in an Event. netFORUM enables you to create custom exams in HTML and deliver and track them through the application. You may also assign fees and CEU credits per exam.

Add a course before adding an exam. Then you can link the exam to the course when you are creating your exam.

Adding an Exam

To add an exam, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to Modules>Certification>Exam>Add Exam. The Add-Exam page opens.
  2. Fill in the fields as described in the table below:
    Field Name Required? Description
    exam id Required Enter the id for the exam in this field. You should create business rules around creating IDs for Courses, Certifications, Certificants, Exams, and so forth.
    exam name Required Enter the friendly name for the exam in this field.
    ceu hours Optional Enter the number of CEU credit hours that will be awarded for this exam.
    ceu type Optional Expand the ceu type drop-down menu and select the ceu type this exam will be categorized under.
    course Optional If this exam is to be linked to a course (for example it is the final exam for a specific course,) expand the course drop-down menu and make the appropriate selection.
    passing score Optional Enter the minimum numeric score required to pass this exam. Exam scores that are greater than or equal to this score will be considered as passing this exam and will have ceu credits awarded (providing all other requirements have been met.) The import exam score feature will take this into account .
    exam html content Optional Enter the Exam content in the Exam HTML Content field. For more information on using the HTML Editor, see the help topic on the CuteEditor.
  3. Click the Save button to save your changes and go to the Exam Profile page. Click the Cancel button to return to the previous age without saving your changes.

Note: In order for individuals to register for the exam, it must be linked to a course which is done during the exam creation step outlined above. That course must also be linked to an event and that event must have a session set up for the exam. Individuals will register for the event and then choose that "exam" session in order to register for the exam.