Events Registrant Profile

Registering an Individual or Group for an event creates the Events Registrant Profile. The Profiles are the same for both Individuals and Organizations that have registered for a particular event, track, or session.

Events Registrant Profile Information

The Events Registrant Profile displays the following information:

Field Description
name Displays the full individual name. Links to the Individual profile.
event Displays the user-entered event name. Links to the Event Planning profile.
nickname Displays the short name for the individual.
location Displays the City and State of the registrant's address.
Registration Type Displays the registration type for this registrant.
Source Code Displays the source code for this Event.
attended? Displays a check if the registrant did attend this Event.
on wait list? Displays a check if the registrant is on the wait list for this Event.
Address Displays the registrant's full address.

Events Registrant Profile Actions

You can perform the following actions from the Grant Program Profile:

  • Edit the Profile
  • Add Demographics
  • Perform the following actions on the registrant:
    • Cancel
    • Transfer Registrant
    • Substitute
    • Register Guest
    • Add Tracks / Sessions
  • Add Event-Specific Demographics

Events Registrant Child Forms

The child forms section of the Events Registrant Profile is divided into several tabs. Each tab contains child forms with information related to the Events Registrant.

The following tabs are available:

  • General
  • Financial
  • Sponsor
  • Ribbons
  • Faculty
  • Housing
  • Exam Info

General Tab

Use the General tab to view the following child forms:

  • Session Registration
  • Track Registration
  • Substitutions
  • Guests
  • Gifts to the Registrant
  • Gifts Due to Fundraising Events / Sessions

Financial Tab

Use the Financial tab to view the following child form:

  • Invoice
  • Order

Sponsor Tab

Use the Financial tab to view the following child forms:

  • Sponsor Contacts

Ribbons Tab

Use the Ribbons tab to view the following child form:

  • Ribbons

Faculty Tab

Use the Ribbons tab to view the following child form:

  • Ribbons

Housing Tab

Use the Housing tab to view the following child form:

  • Housing Request / Travel

Exam InfoTab

Use the Exam Info tab to view the following child forms:

  • Exam Graders
  • Exam Scores