Add Donation Step 3

Step 3: Review Information

Use the following steps to review the donation information. The following action icons allow you to add, edit or change lookup records in this wizard page:

Use this Icon To Perform this Action
edit icon to open an edit page for that field.
add icon to add a new record for that field.
look up icon to see a list of individuals, customers, or other appropriate person records select the record you want to return to the wizard. The fields are populated with the person's information.
  1. Fill in the Bill to Information for the Customer as described in the table below:
    Billing contactOptionalSelect a billing contact from the drop-down list if the contact is different from the Customer.
    AddressRequiredClick the drop-down list to select an address. Click the edit button to edit the existing address. Click the add button to open the Individual Address window.
    Contact byOptionalClick the drop-down list to select a communication preference.
    Source CodeOptionalSelect the Source Code from the drop-down list.
    Media CodeOptionalSelect the Media Code from the drop-down list.
  2. Check the Line Items section for accuracy.
    • Click the delete icon beside an item to delete that item.
    • Click the edit icon to open the Edit Line Item page, where you can enter a new sale price and override reason.

      Note: If this donation comes with a shippable premium, you can ship that product to a customer other than the donor by going to the Edit Line Item page. Go to the Edit Line Item topic for more information.

    • Click the item link to see a picture and details about the fund.
    • Click the net credit link to open the Apply Credit window.
  3. Click the Proceed > button to save your changes and go to Step 4: Payment. Click the Add Another Donation button to save your changes and return to Step 2: Donation Information. Click the Go Back button to return to Step 2: Donation Information.