Add Donation Wizard-Step 2

Step 2: Donation Information

Use the following steps to fill in the donation information in the Donation Wizard:

  1. Fill in the Fund Information for the Constituent as described in the following table:
    Source codeOptionalEnter the first few characters of the source code to see a list of matches. Select your source code from the list. Or use the look up button to see a full list of Source Codes.
    FundRequiredUse the drop-down list to select the fund the constituent wants to donate to. The fund you choose determines the choices available for the next four fields.
    CampaignOptionalUse the drop-down list to select the campaign the constituent wants to donate to.
    PackageOptionalUse the drop-down list to select the fundraising package that prompted the constituent to make this donation.
    PurposeOptionalUse the drop-down list to select the purpose the constituent wants to donate to.
    AppealOptionalUse the drop-down list to select the fundraising appeal that prompted the constituent to make this donation.
  2. Fill in the Donation Information for the Constituent as described in the table below. Depending on the options you select, you might see some or all of the following fields.
Fields Required? Description
Gift type Required Select the type of gift from the drop-down list.
Property name Optional For a Gift Type of In-Kind. Enter the property name.
Liquidation amount Optional For a Gift Type of In-Kind. Enter the amount of currency you or the organization received from liquidation of the property.
Liquidation date Optional For a Gift Type of In-Kind. Enter the date that the sale was completed.
Stock name Optional For a Gift Type of Stock. Enter the name of the stock.
Number of shares Optional For a Gift Type of Stock. Enter the number of shares to be donated.
Price Optional For a Gift Type of Stock. Enter the price per share.
Liquidation amount Optional For a Gift Type of Stock. Enter the total amount of currency you or the organization received from sale of the stock.
Liquidation date Optional For a Gift Type of Stock. Enter the date that the liquidation was completed.
Stock price high Optional For a Gift Type of Stock. Enter the highest price for one share on the day of liquidation.
Stock price low Optional For a Gift Type of Stock. Enter the lowest price for one share on the day of liquidation.
Donation amount Required Enter the currency amount of the constituent's donation.
Deductible Optional Enter the currency amount of the donation that is tax-deductible.
Donation date Optional Enter or select the date the donation was given.
Solicitor Optional Enter the first few letters of the last name of the individual who asked for this donation. A list of matches appears. Select your solicitor from the list of matches. Or click the look up button for a full list of individuals.
Premium selection Optional Select the premium that comes with this gift from the drop-down list.
Membership receiver Optional If the constituent wants to keep the resulting membership, leave this field blank. If the constituent wants to give the resulting membership to another customer, enter that customer's name in this field. Enter the first few letters of the last name of the customer. A list of matches appears. Select your customer from the list of matches. Or click the look up button for a full list of customers.
  1. Fill in the Acknowledgment section for the Constituent as described in the following table:
    Anonymous?OptionalSelect this check box if the donor wants to remain anonymous.
    Recognize donor asOptionalEnter the name by which the donor wants to be recognized.
    Previous valuesOptionalSelect a name this donor has used to give to your organization previously.
    Email confirmationOptionalSelect this check box if the donor wants an email to confirm his or her donation.
    Mail confirmationOptionalSelect this check box if the donor wants postal mail to confirm his or her donation.
    Email templateOptionalSelect the template that netFORUM uses for the acknowledgment email. If you do not select a template, then netFORUM sends no email confirmation.
    Note 1OptionalEnter personalized text in this field. You can include this Note in the confirmation or acknowledgment email template. You must go to the email template you chose above to configure the template to pull in the data from this field. To find the template, note the template name and go to Modules>Marketing>Templates>Find Template. Then go to Template Profile>Edit Button to edit the template to include this Notes field. Then this Note appears in the acknowledgment message sent to the constituent.
    Note 2OptionalSee the description for Note 1. Use these two Note fields to insert more than one personal comment in various places in the acknowledgment message.
  2. Fill in the Recognition... section for the Constituent as described in the following table:
    Tribute honoreeOptionalEnter the first few letters of the last name of the tribute who is honored with this donation. A list of matches appears. Select your honoree from the list of matches. Or click the look up button for a full list of tributes.
    Recognition starts withOptionalSelect the beginning of the recognition message.
    Recognition customerOptionalEnter the first few letters of the last name of the individual who is credited with this donation. A list of matches appears. Select your individual from the list of matches. Or click the look up button for a full list of individuals.
    Non-existing nameOptionalIf the individual who is credited with this donation is not in netFORUM, enter the individual's name.
    Message starts withOptionalDisplays the beginning of the message that netFORUM will send to the donor.
    Personal messageOptionalEnter a personal message for the donor.
  3. Fill in the Matching Program... section, only visible for Donation types of Gift and Recurring, for the Constituent as described in the following table:
    Match programOptionalSelect the corporate match program that applies to this gift from the drop-down list.
    Form complete?OptionalClick this check box if the corporate matching form is complete.
    Date sentOptionalSelect or enter the date that the corporate matching form was sent.
    Date receivedOptionalSelect or enter the date that the corporate matching form was received.
  4. Click the Soft Credit Recipients... section, only visible for Donation types of Gift and Recurring, to see a list of Soft Credit Recipients and other details. Click the Add button to Add a Soft Credit Recipient.
  5. Click the Add Donation and Review button to save your changes and go to Step 3: Review.Click the Add Another Donation button to save your changes and return to Step 2: Donation Information. Click the Cancel button to return to clear the Donation Information without saving your changes.