Marketing Templates Overview

A Marketing Template is a template you create to aide in the creation of consistent communication to customers. You can use either HTML or the Cute Editor to create a template, or you can use a baseline template provided with netFORUM. You can use a template for formatting email communication or for letters that go through the mail.

The following functionality is available from the Templates group item:

  • Find Template
  • List Templates
  • Add Template
  • Query Correspondence Template
  • Query Central

Tips for the Content Manager

You can run a query showing you any templates that are referenced by the areas below by including columns from Query Correspondence Template. Column to Query now includes the following selections:

  • Correspondence Template References::Correspondence Template Key
  • Correspondence Template References::Referencing Table
  • Correspondence Template References::Referencing Column
  • Correspondence Template References::Referencing Key
  • Correspondence Template References::Referencing Code
  • Correspondence Template References::Referencing Type

Content managers can keep track of their templates from a Query to show all templates that have any references, then go to a single template profile page to see the specific references. See the Query Template References topic for more information.

The Marketing Setup page lists all the System Options that use templates in the Correspondence Template System Options Child Form.