Drop Membership

netFORUM has a membership drop process that can be run by Member Type based on the expiration/grace period date as set up for that member type. Any member whose expiration is within the grace period and the "as of date" chosen by the user will automatically be excluded from termination when running the baseline membership drop process. netFORUM requires a termination reason (based on a list of codes that can be set up like nonpayment, budget reasons, leaving field) and allows for termination notes.

In addition to the Drop Process, netFORUM includes a Membership status change process. The Member Status change process allows the user to select a member type and status, enter a date to which the system should compare the Expire Date of the members, and define the new member status value. The user can choose whether to change the Member yes/no check box for the selected records. This process could, for example, switch statuses from "Active" to "Terminated".

Other features of the drop membership process include:

  • Scheduling the process for a future date.
  • Selecting more than one membership at a time for termination.
  • Dropping linked memberships, such as a chapter membership, when selecting national memberships for termination.

These features are described below.

Dropping memberships for a group of members

The membership drop process allows you to cancel a group of memberships when a group of people have not paid their dues or renewed their membership.  The drop membership process is run from the Association Profile page.

To drop memberships for a group of members:

  1. Go to the Association Profile.
  2. On the Association Profile page, click the membership drop process icon. (You can also access the drop process through Overview and Setup on the Membership module page)
  3. In the DropMembership window, shown below, select the member types for this cancellation group (e.g., student, associate, full member).
  4. Select the member statuses for this cancellation group (e.g. student/expired, associate member/expired, full member/expired, etc.). Notice that in both the member type and member status fields, you may multi-select more than one value so that you may drop more than one type.
  5. Enter the drop date (i.e., the date the membership is no longer valid).
  6. The current date populates the termination date field.
  7. Select a termination reason (e.g., canceled membership, payment not received).
  8. Click the Get Records button to gather the records that meet the member type, member status, and drop date criteria. (This may take a while if you have a lot of records). The total number of records (and type) to be terminated will appear at the bottom of the page in the preview of records selected section.
  9. Click the drop related memberships check box to terminate related/synced memberships such as chapters that have been linked to national memberships. View the topic on linked memberships for more information.
  10. To schedule the drop process for a later date and time, complete the Scheduling section by selecting the schedule at later time check box and then completing the task start date and task start time fields. You must supply a notification template and email address for internal staff notification when the drop process is complete.
  11. Click the Save button to set the termination date and reason. The termination date appears on the Individual Profile page in the terminate date column of the membership history child form.

Note: The drop date must be later than the expiration date plus grace period. (e.g., if the expiration date is May 1 and the grace period is 3 months, the drop date must be August 1 or later.)

Note: If you terminate a membership that has linked memberships (such as a national membership that has linked chapters) but do not select the drop related memberships check box to terminate the linked memberships at the same time, the national membership will be dropped as specified and the chapter membership will be automatically unlinked - but not dropped.

Technical Information

MembershipDropScheduledTaskApplication system option.