Selling Memberships

Use the following topics to add individual or organization memberships.

To add an Individual Membership Through Centralized Order Entry (COE):

  1. Go to the Individual Profile.
  2. On the Individual Profile, click the order entry icon.
  3. On the Centralized Order Entry page, click the Select Product drop-down list arrow to view the Product menu.
  4. On the Product menu, click add membership.
  5. In the Centralized Order Entry - Membership window, select the source code, if applicable. This will detail where the Member was referred from such as another Member referral, a mail order, or an online ad, for example.
  6. Select the association that you are purchasing the membership from.
  7. Select the member type.
  8. Select the member status. If a flip status has been set, it will activate when member activation criteria is met. See the Member Status topic for more details.
  9. Select the transaction date. This date is used for the pro-ration calculation if applicable.
  10. Select the Member Package. A membership dues package is set up for each member type and then sold as a product. The package may include certain membership benefits, such as a free magazine subscription..
  11. Select the renewal package.
  12. Click Save & Finish.

To Add a New Membership Through Centralized Order Entry:

  1. Go to the Organization Profile.
  2. On the Organization Profile, click the add order icon. The centralized order entry window displays.
  3. In the product selection panel, click new member. The Centralized Order Entry - Membership window displays.
  4. Select the association and member type.
  5. Enter any other relevant information.
  6. Click Save and Finish.

Note: If the system option MembershipRejoinOnAdd is enabled, when a membership is added, netFORUM will check for previous memberships. If a previous membership is found, the join date field on the new membership record will populate with the join date from the previous membership. If the system option is disabled, netFORUM will treat adding a new membership as adding a new membership and the join date will default to the current date.