Members in netFORUM can be Individuals or Organizations. Member Types can be based on National Memberships or Chapters. You can specify whether or they are annual or calendar-based during set-up and how often they are renewed. You can also designate if an Individual can possess more than one Membership and if an Individual receives Member benefits because he/she belongs to an Organization that is a Member.
The five standard Group Item Links (Add, Find, List, Run Query, Query Central), are available in the Members group item.
Adding a Membership Through the Group Item Menu
You can add a membership to an Association or Chapter through the Group Item menu.
To add a Membership through the Group Item menu:
- Select the Membership module and then click the Members Group Item menu.
- Click the Add Membership link as pictured in the screenshot above. The Add Membership screen will display.
- Enter the Member Name of the member or organization you want to purchase the membership and click the Look-Up
button or, if you are unsure of the full name, click the button by itself to conduct a search. Remember, when entering individual names in netFORUM, the correct order is Last Name then First Name. This field is required.
- After you enter the Member Name, depending upon the member, the Customer Type field will be filled in bynetFORUM. For example, individual for individuals and organization for organizations. This field is required.
- Source Code: This drop-down is used if you want to specify where the member was referred from in obtaining this membership such as a referral. It is an optional field.
- Enter the Member Package that you want this Member to purchase and click the Look-Up
button or, if you are unsure of the full name, click the button by itself to conduct a search. Once you choose a Member Package, the appropriate Association, Member Type, Member Status, and Renewal Package fields are applied based on the values you set-up when you created the Membership Packages for your Association under the Dues Tab. Member package fields are required.
- You may choose to add Chapter Dues Information in the same manner if Chapter Memberships apply. Chapter fields are optional.
- Once you have the Member Package information completed, you need to assign a Batch to complete Invoice and Payment information.
- Select a Batch from the drop-down field or create a new Batch by clicking the Add Record
- Enter a PO number, if applicable.
- Enter the Invoice Type.
- The Transaction Date is already pre-populated.
- Enter a Payment Method that will be used by the customer.
- The Payment Amount will be pre-populated with the cost of the Membership Package.
- Click Save to Add the Membership.
To Add Membership Information from a profile page, use the following steps:
- Go to the Individual Profile.
- On the Actions Bar, click the add membership icon. The Membership Wizard will display.
- Step 1: Select a source code, if relevant. Source codes are used to track how the individual came to be a member. For example, did they respond to a specific mailing? Were they referred by another member? This field is optional.
- Select the association. The association contains default membership information. This includes business units with the associated, GL accounts, member types, member statuses, membership packages, renewal packages, start date criteria, and grace periods. This field is required.
- Once the association is selected, choose the member type (This field appears after you choose an association). It will be pre-populated with the member types created for the Association. This field is required.
- Select the member status. (Member status indicates the status of the membership (i.e., active, on trial, pending, etc,). If, during member type set-up, a flip status was indicated, this will be set when payment is made for the membership. Therefore, this field is optional.
- Select the member package. A membership dues package is set up for each member type and then sold as a product. The package may include certain membership benefits, such as a free magazine subscription. This field will be pre-populated with the types of packages set-up when the member types were created. This field is required.
- Select the renewal package. A separate renewal package may be set-up if the membership changes when the membership is renewed. For example, an organization might want to graduate their members from an associate membership package to a full membership package. However, if the member package is the same, simply select the same member package for the renewal package.
- The Add Chapter button takes you to Step 2, Chapter Memberships, where you can add a Chapter Membership. The Review/Edit button completes the National Membership process addition and takes you Step 3.
- In the example above, Adding a Chapter Membership was skipped and Step 3 demonstrates the ability to review the member order before specifying payment information.
- The Bill To Information section specifies the member currently purchasing the membership. If you want to change who you are billing (versus who is obtaining the membership), this can be modified here.
- You can specify a contact preference in the comm pref drop-down field if desired.
- The Ship To Information also specifies the member currently purchasing the membership and can be modified. This is in case the package includes merchandise in addition to the membership.
- Use the Additional Items menu to add discounts and shipping to your membership package if required.
- Finally, clicking on the Edit
button enables you to edit your membership package if you need to in order to modify the sales price or apply discounts and shipping on that screen as well as seen below.
- If you want to change anything about the membership you can click the Return to National button to make modifications. Otherwise, click the Payment Info button to finalize the membership.
- Step 4 completes the membership purchase and assigns payment. First, you need to assign a Batch to complete the Invoice and Payment information.
- Select a Batch from the drop-down field or create a new Batch by clicking the Add Record
- Enter a PO number, if applicable.
- Enter the Invoice Type.
- The Transaction Date is already pre-populated.
- Enter a Payment Method that will be used by the customer.
- The Payment Amount will be pre-populated with the cost of the Membership Package.
- Click Finish to Add the Membership.
- Once you complete the Membership Wizard through the add membership icon on the Individual or Organization profile you will see the membership you just added on the Membership tab under the individual memberships child form as seen below.
Adding a Chapter Membership
You can add a Chapter Membership to an Association or Chapter through the Group Item menu, as follows:
To add a Chapter Membership through the Group Item menu:- Select the Membership module and then click the Members Group Item menu.
- Click the Add Chapter Membership link as pictured in the screenshot above. The Chapter Membership screen will display.
- Enter the Member Name of the member or organization you want to purchase the Chapter Membership and click the Look-Up
button or, if you are unsure of the full name, click the button by itself to conduct a search. Remember, when entering individual names in netFORUM, the correct order is Last Name then First Name. This field is required.
- Enter the Member Package that you want this Member to purchase and click the Look-Up
button or, if you are unsure of the full name, click the button by itself to conduct a search. A list of Chapter Dues Packages that have been created will appear for you to select. Once you choose a Member Package, several remaining fields associated with that Dues Package will be filled in automatically for you:
- Association - The correct Association populates that the Chapter was assigned to
- Chapter - The name of the Chapter itself
- National Type - The type of Association Membership associated with the Chapter
- Chapter Mbr Type - The name of the Member Type created for this Chapter Dues Package if you want to look-up the values for this membership type and package
- Member Status - The default status assigned to this package when created. This will flip when the member flag is activated if a flip status was created.
- Renewal Package - The Renewal Package available for the Chapter.
- Source Code - You may choose to specify a source code in the drop-down if you want to note how the member came about the Chapter Membership as in a member referral, an online ad, or through an event attendance, for example.
- Once you have the Chapter Member Package information completed, you need to assign a Batch to complete Invoice and Payment information.
- Select a Batch from the drop-down field or create a new Batch by clicking the Add Record
- Enter a PO number, if applicable.
- Enter the Invoice Type.
- The Transaction Date is already pre-populated.
- Enter a Payment Method that will be used by the customer (if applicable).
- The Payment Amount will be pre-populated with the cost of the Membership Package.
- Click Save to Add the Membership.
You can add a Chapter Membership from the Individual Profile Page or the Organization Profile Page, as follows
- Go to the Individual Profile.
- On the Actions Bar, click the add chapter membership icon. The Chapter Membership Wizard will display.
- Step 1: Select a source code, if relevant. Source codes are used to track how the individual or organization came to be a member. For example, did they respond to a specific mailing? Were they referred by another member? This field is optional.
- Select the association. The association contains default membership information. This includes business units with the associated, GL accounts, member types, member statuses, membership packages, renewal packages, start date criteria, and grace periods. This field is required.
- Once the association is selected, choose the member type (This field appears after you choose an association). This field is required.
- Select the member status. (Member status indicates the status of the membership (i.e., active, on trial, pending, etc,). If, during member type set-up, a flip status was indicated, this will be set when payment is made for the membership. Therefore, this field is optional.
- Select the chapter being selected for this Member. The drop-down will be populated with Chapters tied to this Association.
- Select the member package. A membership dues package is set up for each member type and then sold as a product. The package may include certain membership benefits, such as a free magazine subscription. This field will be pre-populated with the types of packages set-up when the member types were created. This field is required.
- Select the renewal package. A separate renewal package may be set-up if the membership changes when the membership is renewed. For example, an organization might want to graduate their members from an associate membership package to a full membership package. However, if the member package is the same, simply select the same member package for the renewal package.
- The Add Another Chapter button enables you to add another Chapter Membership for this Member if needed while the Save & Review/Edit button takes you to Step 2, Review/Edit.
- In the example above, Step 2 demonstrates the ability to review the Member order before specifying payment information just as when adding a National Membership through the Membership Wizard.
- The Bill To Information section specifies the member currently purchasing the Chapter Membership. If you want to change who you are billing (versus who is obtaining the membership), this can be modified here.
- You can specify a contact preference in the comm pref drop-down field if desired.
- The Ship To Information also specifies the member currently purchasing the membership and can be modified. This is in case the package includes merchandise in addition to the membership.
- Use the Additional Items menu to add discounts and shipping to your membership package if required.
- Finally, clicking on the Edit
button enables you to edit your chapter membership package if you need to in order to modify the sales price or apply discounts and shipping on that screen as well.
- If you want to change anything about the chapter membership you can click the Return to Chapter Membership button to make modifications. Otherwise, click the Payment Info button to finalize the membership.
- Step 3 completes the Chapter Membership purchase and assigns payment. First, you need to assign a Batch to complete the Invoice and Payment information.
- Select a Batch from the drop-down field or create a new Batch by clicking the Add Record
- Enter a PO number, if applicable.
- Enter the Invoice Type.
- The Transaction Date is already pre-populated.
- Enter a Payment Method that will be used by the customer (if applicable).
- The Payment Amount will be pre-populated with the cost of the Chapter Membership Package.
- Click Finish to Add the Chapter Membership.
- Once you complete the Chapter Membership Wizard through the add chapter membership icon on the Individual or Organization profile you will see the membership you just added on the Membership tab under the chapter memberships child form as seen below.
Adding a Membership Through Inheritance
An individual may receive Inherited Membership benefits, such as member price discounts, by virtue of a direct or indirect relationship with a member organization or individual. This is also known as membership benefit flow down. This occurs when you check the benefits flow down check box when setting up the Member Types you will use for your Associations or Chapters.
For example, if an Organization pays for an organization membership, an employee of the organization, with an inherited membership, would be eligible for member discounts without having to purchase an Individual membership.
If an Individual purchases an individual membership and the spouse or other family member is given inherited membership benefits, the person receiving the inherited benefits would not have to pay for a membership, but would be entitled to the same benefits that the member receives. If the person with the inherited membership wants to purchase a product online, they will see the member price, not the non-member price.
You can manually add inherited memberships from the Individual Profile page.
To add an Inherited membership, to the Individual Profile page, as seen below:
Notice on the Individual above that, until you add member benefits through either Inheritance or purchasing a Membership directly, this member has no member benefits or Membership. If you want this Member to receive member benefits through an Organization that has purchased a Membership (Without having to purchase an Individual Membership him/herself), you do so through the Inherited Membership child form under the Membership tab, seen below.
Click the Add Record button and the Add Inherited Membership window appears.
Type in the name of the Organization that you want the Member to inherit the benefits from or click the Look-Up button to search for an Organization. If the Member should only receive the benefits for a certain span of time, you may also enter the range of dates. Click the Save button to complete the inheritance. Notice that on the Individual's Profile, the receives member benefits is checked while the member is not (pictured below).
This is because the Individual is now receiving member benefits through the Organization that owns the membership but does not have an actual Membership (i.e., did not purchase the Membership itself) his or herself. The only way this works is if it is set-up when the Member Type is created for the Associations and Chapters.
For example, when creating Member Types where you want the benefits to be able to be inherited, make sure you select the benefits flow down check box as depicted in the screenshot above.
An organization may also receive inherited membership benefits by virtue of a direct or indirect relationship with a member organization. For example, if a parent organization pays for a membership, subsidiary companies may enjoy the benefits of membership without having to pay for an additional membership. If the organization with the inherited membership wants to purchase a product online, they will see the member price, not the non-member price.
You can manually add inherited memberships from the Organization Profile page just as individual inheritance was added above from the Individual Profile.
Note: If you set the EnableMembershipBenefitFlowdown and EnableAdvancedMembershipBenefitFlowdown system options to true, inherited membership information populates automatically. Enabling this capability adds overhead to the system, so it should only be turned on if needed.
Adding a Membership Through Centralized Order Entry
In addition to adding Memberships through the Membership Wizard from Profile pages or through the Members Group Item, you are also able to add a Membership through Centralized Order Entry just as you would if purchasing Merchandise Inventory. For detailed information on this, view the Selling Memberships topic.
Finding Member Records
Finding Member records that have been entered into the netFORUM database is easily accomplished. The Find function is universal throughout netFORUM and detailed on the Find topic.
Finding Members within the Membership module follows the same format and function. You may search by the following:
- Association Code
- Sort Name (This searches Last Name First Name)
- Chapter
- Member Type
- Member Status
- Join Date
- Rejoin Date
- Effective Date
- Expire Date
- Termination Date
- State/Territory
- City
- Customer ID
The Advanced View checkbox allows you to conduct boolean searches to broaden and narrow your search as needed. If you are uncertain with what you are looking for, use the netFORUM wildcard character, the percent sign (%) to help you with your search.
Navigating to the Membership Profile
Each time a Membership is sold and/or activated, a Membership Profile is created both for National/Association Membership Types and for Chapter Membership Types. The Membership Profile for a specific Membership enables you to view specific details about that particular Membership.
To access a specific Membership Profile:
- Click on the Membership module from the Module Menu drop-down.
- On the Group Item menu, click Members. You can then choose to List Members or to Find Members.
Depending upon which Member you choose, its Membership Profile will display.
The Membership Profile
The Membership Profile provides you an overview of the Membership records within netFORUM. You are able to view the following information about your Members:
- Customer: The Member's name. This may be an individual or an organization.
- Association: The Association this Membership is part of.
- Chapter: The Chapter Membership this profile is part of (if applicable).
- Member Type: The specific Member Type this Membership belongs to.
- Member Status: The current Member Status.
- Member Package: The Member Package the Membership belongs to.
- Renewal Package: The Renewal Package that will be assigned when the Expire Date occurs. This may not always match the Member Package if your Association 'upgrades' Memberships upon renewing. For example, Associate Members are 'upgraded' to 'Contributing Members' after a certain period of time and so forth.
- Source Code: The source of the Membership if your organization tracks that information such as another member referral, an online ad, or an event attendance.
- Join Date: The date the Member joined originally.
- Effective Date: The date the current Membership was activated.
- Expire Date: The date the current Membership expires.
- Termination Date: The date the current Membership was terminated.
- Termination Reason: The reason why the membership was terminated.
- Rejoin Date: The date on which the membership was reactivated.
The Membership Dates section on the Membership Profile are three buttons, pictured below, that enable further functionality for the profile.
Note that these buttons will not be active if the Membership has been terminated. The Rejoin and Edit buttons are available on terminated membership profiles. To access the Transfer, Renew, and Edit buttons the Member must first Rejoin.
Editing Membership Information
Use the Edit button to modify Membership information on the Membership Profile. Note in the screenshot below the following information may be modified:
- Member Status: Change the member status using this field. Member status options may include active, inactive, on-hold, pending, etc.
- Renewal Package: Update the renewal package type using this field.
- Do Not Renew: The do not renew check box is selected if the Membership should not be renewed. Select this check box and enter the current date in the termination date field to cancel the membership immediately.
- Join Date: Enter or update the date on which the membership was originally purchased.
- Termination Date: The date on which the membership was terminated
- Renew by installments: Use the renew by installments section to specify that the Membership is to be paid by installments in the future and to specify the frequency, invoice terms, and the number of installments to be used.
Renewing a Membership
Use the Renew button to access the Membership Renewal Wizard to renew a Membership that has expired. Note in the screenshot below the following information may be modified:
- Source Code: If you want to specify where the Membership was referred from such as a referral, an online ad, or an event, do so through the Source Code drop-down.
- Renewal Package: Change the renewal package if you want to make it different from the original Membership Package. Notice in the screenshot above that the different renewal packages for this specific Association are available.
- Payment Information: Just as when you purchase the Membership originally, you must specify payment information such as the Batch, Invoice Type, Payment Method and Payment Amount.
- Click the Renew Now button to activate a new Membership or Cancel to cancel the renewal process.
Notice that after you renew a membership, the Membership Dates section on the Membership Profile update as well, depending upon the Member Type selected in the renewal and how payment is made.
The effective date has been updated to reflect the new membership as well as the expire date (when compared with the original profile screenshot).
Transferring a Membership
Use the Transfer button to transfer a Member from one Membership type to a different Membership Type. Note in the screenshot below the following information may be modified:
- association - You must specify the association that you are transferring the memberships for.
- Use the new member type drop-down to specify which membership type you are transferring the member to and the new member status drop-down to specify the status that should be in place (if applicable) upon the transfer.
- Source Code: If you want to specify where the Membership was referred from such as a referral, an online ad, or an event, do so through the Source Code drop-down.
- Renewal Package: Change the renewal package if you want to make it different from the original Membership Package. Notice in the screenshot above that the different renewal packages for this specific Association are available.
Once you have arranged the new membership and renewal types, set-up your payment information and click the transfer now button to complete your membership transfer.
The Financial Tab
The Financial tab contains two child forms that enable you to view the financial data associated with the Membership, namely when invoices were created and paid or if installments have been set-up. The two child forms that are contained under the Financial tab are pictured below; the invoices child form and the installments child form.
Viewing Membership Invoice Details
The invoices child form enable you to view exactly when each Membership has been invoiced and paid per Membership. Looking at the screenshot above, you are able to see that the first Membership, the Associate Membership, began in January 2009, and has been paid. The Membership was renewed and the new Membership begins in January of 2010 and has also been paid. It has also been upgraded from an Associate Membership to a Calendar Membership.
The installments child form enables you to view if installment payments are set-up for Memberships and includes the number of installments as well as the number of installments paid to date if applicable.
The Log Tab
The Log tab contains one child form that enables you to view the historical membership data associated with the Membership such as when it was first activated, if it was expired or terminated, when it was renewed, and so forth.
The screenshot above shows a sample Membership Log tab with a new Membership account. Memberships that are several years old will have much more historical data under this child form. See mb_membership_audit_trail for a data model of the membership history table. Every time key information about a membership is updated, netFORUM takes a snapshot of the membership before the change, and saves that information into the history table.
Rejoining a Member
A Member whose Membership has lapsed can rejoin the association by clicking the rejoin button. The rejoin button is on the Membership Profile.
To rejoin an individual's membership:
- Go to the Membership Profile.
- Click the rejoin link. Note: The rejoin link only shows if the membership was terminated.
- The member type automatically populates. (This field can be edited.)
- The member status automatically populates.
- The membership package automatically populates, but can be changed based on the member type.
- The membership renewal package automatically populates, but can be changed if a different renewal package exists.
- Select an invoice batch.
- Select an invoice type (prepaid, proforma, or terms).
- Select a payment method and any relevant payment information.
- If relevant, enter a purchase order number.
- Click Rejoin Now. The Rejoin,Effective, and Expire dates are updated with new dates.
Note: If the system option MembershipRejoinOnAdd is enabled, when a membership is added, netFORUM will check for previous memberships. If a previous membership is found, the join date field on the new membership record will populate with the join date from the previous membership. If the system option is disabled, netFORUM will treat adding a new membership as adding a new membership and the join date will default to the current date.
Changing Member Status for a Group of Members
The Status Change Process is a batch update process that updates the membership status for a group of individuals or organizations. An example of when you might want to use this feature would be to search for all members of a certain member type and member status who have not made a dues payment by a certain date (expiration date plus grace period). After you have a list of records that fit this criteria, you can change (or flip) the membership status from "member" to "non-member." The change member status process can be run from the Association Profile page or by clicking the Change Status icon located on the Membership Overview page.. The filter criteria for the batch update process is a combination of member type, member status, membership expiration date, and membership grace period.
To Run the Filter Process:
- Go to the Association Profile.
- On the Association Profile page, click the Status Change Process icon.
- In the Change Membership Status window, select the membership type.
- The membership status list automatically populates when you select the membership type. Select a membership status from the list. Note: The compare date is the date you run the filter process. During the filter process, this date will be compared to the membership expiration date, plus grace period.
- Click select records to run the filter process. The number of matching records displays.
To view the selected records:
- Click the status change report icon. The Membership Status Change Process report shows the status change date, member names, member types, expiration dates, and total number of members affected by the status change.
- Review the records before you run the update to make sure these are there records you want to update.
To run the status batch update process:
- Select the new membership status.
- Select the member flag action:
- None - Do not change the member flag.
- Clear - Turn off the member flag for the selected records.
- Clear and Terminate - Turn off the member flag the selected records. Selecting Clear causes the records originally flagged as members to no longer have the member flag. A termination date field appears on their Membership Profile noting the date on which the member flag was cleared.
- Set - Turn on the member flag for the selected records.
- Set the date status changed date. This is normally the date you run the update process.
- Click run update. This runs the update process and automatically flags the records of the selected individuals or organizations and changes their member status. The status change date appears on the membership records as well as the membership history log.
- Click the status change report icon. The Membership Status Change Process report shows the status change date, member names, member types, expiration dates, and total number of members affected by the status change.
Adding a Related Association
For individual memberships:
Related associations share an affiliation or connection. For example, a parent company and subsidiary company are related associations. If an individual is a member of related association, you can add that information from the related association child form on the Individual Profile.
Note: Before you can add a related association, you must set up the related associations drop-down list.
To add a related association membership:
- Go to the Individual Profile.
- Click the Membership tab (if it is not already selected).
- On the related association membership child form, click Add. The Add - Related Association Membership window displays.
- Select the related association from the drop-down list.
- Click Save.
For organization memberships:
Related associations share an affiliation or connection with another association. For example, a parent company and subsidiary company are related associations. You can add a related association membership from the Organization Profile page.
To add a related association membership:
- Go to the Organization Profile.
- Click the Primary tab (if it is not already selected).
- On the related association memberships child form, click Add.
- Enter the requested information.
- Click Save.
Technical Information
Rules on Multiple Memberships
If the AllowMultipleMembershipsPerAssociation system option is set to true, then a customer may have at most one active Member record within a single Association. An active member record is defined as a record where the hide/disable flag is unchecked and the termination date is empty; the member status is not considered.
If the system option is not true, then a customer may have multiple membership records for different Member Types within the same Association. A customer may not, however, have more than one active membership of the same member type (see paragraph above for definition of active).
If a customer has a terminated membership (i.e. a membership that is not active) of a certain member type, and you add a brand new membership for that same member type, then you will see two membership records for that customer, the new one and the older terminated one. The Join Date of the new membership will be the join date of the previously terminated membership depending on the MembershipRejoinOnAdd system option (this is to preserve the customer's original join date). A separate field called re-join date will populate with the system date. If you don't want the join date of the new membership to go back to the earlier terminated membership, then you may manually overwrite later.
Note: If there is more than one previously terminated membership, netFORUM will select the one with the most advanced join date (so if a customer has one terminated membership with join date "1/1/1988" and a second terminated membership with join date "10/02/2001", then the "10/02/2001" date will be chosen).
If you don't want to see two membership records for that customer, then you can navigate to the terminated membership and click the "rejoin" button on the Member profile page. This will allow you to sell this member a new Dues Package but keep the same membership record. The original join date will be preserved and a new re-join date will be entered (as the system date).
Member and Receives Member Benefits
netFORUM has a concept in Membership called receives member benefits that is slightly different from simply "being a member". If you are a Member, then you receive member benefits, but the converse is not necessarily always true. A trade organization, for example, may be a Member, and its active employees might receive member benefits by virtue of being connected to that Member organization, but depending on how netFORUM is configured, these individuals might or might not also be called a "Member".
For a SQL Query to look at the composition of customers who are "Members" and who "Receive Member Benefits", run this SQL Query:
SELECT top 10 [Customer Type] = cst_type, [IS Member] = case cst_member_flag when 1 then 'Yes' else 'No' end, [Receives Member Benefits] = case vst_member_flag when 1 then 'Yes' else 'No' end,[Count] = count(*)FROM vw_customer_member_flagJOIN dbo.co_customer ON cst_key = vst_cst_keyGROUP BY cst_type, cst_member_flag, vst_member_flagORDER BY cst_type, cst_member_flag, vst_member_flag
Mass Update Renewal Package
Q. Suppose that you want to consolidate two existing membership packages into a single, new membership package going forward. Is it true that the individual member's current "renewal package" is based on the package at the time they purchased the membership? In other words, we can't modify an existing package to "renew as" and pick up the new package with the renewal process
A. Let's suppose you have members whose renewal package is set to package A or B. You would like them to renew to C. Since these Members are already set to renew to A or B, that's how they will renew, even if you go to the package setup for A or B and point its renewal package to C.
Therefore, you'll either need to update each Member one by one, or do a mass update in SQL in the database. You will need to start with this SQL fragment:
-- create a temp table to hold the memberships you'll want to updateCREATE TABLE #temp (t__mbr_key uniqueidentifier,t__mbr_pak_prd_renewal_key uniqueidentifier) -- select records you want to updateINSERT #temp (t__mbr_key, t__mbr_pak_prd_renewal_key)SELECT mbr_key, mbr_pak_prd_renewal_keyFROM mb_membershipWHERE mbr_pak_prd_renewal_key = '<< guid for package B or A goes here >>'AND ????? -- insert change log record for audit purposes or in case-- you made a mistake and want to figure out which records got updatedINSERT fw_change_log(log_record_key ,log_mdc_table_name ,log_mdc_name,log_value Value,log_value_new,log_add_user,log_add_date )SELECTlog_record_key = t__mbr_key,log_mdc_table_name = 'mb_membership',log_mdc_name = 'mbr_pak_prd_renewal_key',log_value = t__mbr_pak_prd_renewal_key,log_value_new = '<< value of package C guid >>',log_add_user = 'mass_update',log_add_date = getdate()FROM #temp -- now update the mb_membership records UPDATE mb_membershipSET mbr_pak_prd_renewal_key = '<< value of package C guid >>', mbr_change_user = 'mass_update', mbr_change_date = getdate()FROM mb_membershipJOIN #temp on t__mbr_key = mbr_key DROP TABLE #temp
Note: this script has not been tested. You are cautioned to ensure that you update records that HAVE not yet been renewed. Presumably you would do this by examining the mbr_expire_date or the mbr_renew_date columns.