Add and Edit Data Object Forms

The Add Data Object and Edit Data Object forms are opened from an Object Profile page.


object: This read-only field is the name of the Object.

table name: Select the name of the database table for the Data Object.

extender table name: Select the name of the extender table, if one exists.

description: Enter a description for the Data Object.

data object prefix/qualifier: Several factors determine what value to enter here.

  • If this is the primary Data Object for the Object, then enter the Object prefix.
  • If this is a secondary Data Object, and there is only one Data Object for the Object refers to the table, then enter the table prefixthe 3-character column prefix for the table.
  • If two or more Data Objects will refer to the same table, only one Data Object can use the table prefix. In this case, enter a unique 3-character prefix for the other Data Objects.

table prefix: Enter the 3-character column prefix for the table for the Data Object.

extender table prefix: Enter the 3-character column prefix for the extender table. In practice, if the table for the Data Object has an extender table, the extender table prefix will be the same as the table prefix.

Note: If you did not select an extender table, then the extender table prefix field does not display.

key field: Select the name of the primary key column for the table.

extender key field: Select the name of the primary key column for the extender table.

Note: If you did not select an extender table, then the extender key field does not display.

delete flag field: Select the name of the delete flag column for the table.

parent/foreign key: This field is applicable to secondary Data Objects. Listed are names for the key fields in the tables that are related, in the database, to the primary Data Object table. If the primary Data Object table is a child table, and this Data Object table is a parent table for it, then select the child table foreign key name that relates the child table to the parent table.

Important! The parent (primary) key and foreign key columns must have a netFORUM GUID data type. Although there are examples of tables with foreign keys that store strings in the database, Data Objects using these keys will not be able to select child records when the parent record is loaded.

load order: Enter a number that determines the order in which the Data Object records are loaded into the Object. If one Data Object depends on another, then the dependent Data Object must have a load order number that is greater than the Data Object it depends on.

save order: Enter a number that determines the order in which the framework will save the Data Object data. If saving data from one Data Object is dependent on saved data from another, then the dependent Data Object must have a save order number that is greater than the Data Object that it depends on.

Note: If the do not save data? check box is selected, then this field is not applicable to the Data Object.

do not save data?: Select this check box for read-only Data Objects. The Data Object can be selected (read) by the Object, but no data can be saved.

If this is a secondary Data Object, and the table for this Data Object table is a parent table for the Object's primary Data Object table, then select this check box to insure that a user editing the primary Data Object on a Form for the Object cannot save changes back to this Data Object.

one-to-many?: If this is a secondary Data Object, and the table for this Data Object is a child for the Object's primary Data Object table, then select this check box.

do not select?: Select this check box if the Data Object will be used for inserting data, but not for selecting data. See Avectra.netForum.Data.DataClass for more information.

Metadata Lock: Select this check box to prevent the Deploy Tool from updating this record when upgrading netFORUM. This check box does not display on the Add Object Data form.

hide/disable record?: Select this check box to soft-delete the Data Object record. This check box does not display on the Add Object Data form.


Add and Edit Data Object forms have common Toolkit buttons. See Common Toolkit Add and Edit Form Buttons for descriptions.

Other Items

save mode: The action performed by the the system when the Save button is clicked. The save mode is Insert on the Add Object form and Update on the Edit Object Data form.

created / updated: The record's create user and date and change user and date. These items are not displayed on the Add Object Data form.