Common Toolkit Forms and Profile Page Buttons

Use the following buttons to work withToolkit forms and profiles. Not every form or profile will have every button listed.

Common Toolkit Add and Edit Form Buttons

lookup: Indicates that the field is a lookup. Click this button to search for results that match the value entered in the field.
clear lookup: Click this button to clear the text in a lookup field.
Save: Click this button to save a new record or update an existing record.

Delete: Click this button to delete the current record. The Delete button does not display on Add forms.

Important! If the DeleteMethod system option is set to hard, then the record will be removed from the database.

Cancel: Click this button to cancel changes and close the form.

Common Toolkit Find Form Buttons

edit form: Click this button to open the Edit Dynamic Form that is relevant for the type of record for which you are searching.

Example: If you are searching for a Group Item Link, click the Edit Form button to edit the description, properties, and child forms for the Group Item Link form.

edit table list setup: Click this button to open the relevant list Table Definition form, and add or remove columns from the List page.

Example: If you are searching for a Group Item Link, click the Edit table list setup button and make changes to the columns that will show on the List Group Item Link page.

Go: Click this button to locate the records that meet the search criteria. A List page will open if more than one record meets the criteria. If only one record meets the criteria, then the Profile page for the record opens instead.
Cancel: Click this button to cancel the search and close the form.

Common Toolkit Profile Buttons

navigation VCR buttons: Use these buttons to scroll through the records.

action items: Click this button to access a menu of shortcuts to tasks that are commonly performed on the Profile page.

Personalize: Click this button to modify the appearance of the Profile page's child form section. Hide one or more tabs and child forms from the display or add any hidden tabs and child forms back to the display.

Note: Personalization is at the user level.

See Common Child Form and Grandchild Form Buttons for the list of buttons to use with child and grandchild forms.