Add and Edit Dynamic Form Forms


object: Enter the name of the Object for this form. On an Edit Dynamic Form, this field is read-only.

form description: Enter a brief and meaningful description to easily locate this form in a search. The description is the name for the form in metadata, and is visible only in the Toolkit; end users will not see it in the netFORUM application.

conventions for the form description field

  • Include the word Rest in the description if this form represents an xWeb REST resource.
  • Add the client's acronym to the beginning of the description to distinguish baseline forms from custom client forms,
  • Add (DL) to the end of the description if the table layout for this form is div (vertical), div (horizontal), or div (inline).

form title: Enter the title for this form. This is what the end user will see. If left empty, then the object is the title.This field supports parsed values.

If this form represents an xWeb REST resource instead of a form used in iWeb, then enter the resource's exact name.

form key: The GUID (unique id) for this form. The framework generates the GUID when the record for this form is created in the metadata.

designed form?: Select this check box if you will be designing this form. The the system will use Designed Form Controls to render this form.

Important! If this check box is selected, you must then design this form in the Form Designer.

has child forms?: Select this check box if this form has one or more child forms.

has extension controls?: Select this check box if this form has form extensions.

has profile form?: Select this check box if this form is a Profile page.

primary profile?: Select this check box if this form is the primary Profile page.

sub form?: Select this check box if this form is a Sub Form.

form mode: If this form is not a standard netFORUM dynamic form, then select one of the following options.

  • Select add
  • Select search
  • Select rest_resource if this form represents an xWeb REST resource.

enable ajax?: Do not clear this check box unless you are instructed to do so by Customer Support or Technical Services.

table layout?: This field determines how the the system places controls on this form. Select one of the following options to meet your layout needs.

  • table - Form controls and elements are laid out in a grid.
  • div (vertical) - Div tags are used to place controls and other elements on this form.
  • div (horizontal) - Div tags are used to place controls and other elements on this form.
  • div (inline) - Div tags are used to place controls and other elements on this form.
  • fixed - Exact pixel coordinates determine how controls and other elements are placed on this form. Placement on forms is absolute and this form will not be flexible as it shrinks or grows to accommodate various screen sizes. Abila recommends using one of the other layout options.

save for later override: When allow save for later is enabled at the Object level, a Save for Later button is added to this form. Use this setting to override the Object's allow save for later setting on this form only,

  • If allow save for later is enabled at the Object level, then select Hide to remove the Save for Later button from this form.
  • If allow save for later is not enabled at the Object level, then select Show to add the Save for Later button to this form.

See Save for Later for more information about netFORUM's save for later functionality.

async save override: When async save is enabled at the Object level, data changes (inserts and updates) on this form can be saved asynchronouslyData changes are saved as a background process.. Use this setting to override the Object's async save setting this form only.

  • If async save is enabled at the Object level, then select Deny to not allow it on this form.
  • If async save is not enabled at the Object level, then select Allow to allow it on this form.

See Async Save for more information about saving data asynchronously in netFORUM.

no record info footer?: Select this check box to remove the record information footerThe record information footer shows the save mode as well as the create user and date and change user and date. from this form.

no delete button?: Select this check box to remove the Delete button from this form.

no hide/disable checkbox?: Select this check box to remove the hide/disable record? check box from this form.

no save button?: Select this check box to remove the Save button from this form.

no cancel button?: Select this check box to remove the Cancel button from this form.

no search button?: Clear this check box to add a Search button to this form.

Note: By default, this field is selected. Most forms do not have a Search button.

display only?: Select this check box to use this form only for viewing data. If this form needs to be for display only in certain circumstances only, then access the Advanced Settings form to enter the criteria that must be met to open it in display-only mode. ClosedMore...

Access the Advanced Settings form by clicking the Advanced Edit button. Then, enter the criteria in the display only control, operator, and display only value fields.

Metadata Lock: Select this check box to prevent the Deploy Tool from updating this record when upgrading netFORUM. This check box does not display on the Add Group Item form.


The Add and Edit Dynamic forms have common Toolkit buttons and the following additional button.

Advanced Edit: Click this button to open the Advanced Settings form for this form. This button is not available on the Add Dynamic Form form. If you are adding a new form and need to access the Advanced Settings form, you must first save your new form and then either open the Profile page for the Form, or open the Form in Edit mode.

Other Items

Edit This Object: Click this link to open the Edit Object form for the Object for this form. On the Add Dynamic Form, enter the Object name before clicking this link.

save mode: The action performed by the the system when the Save button is clicked. The save mode is Insert on the Add Dynamic Form and Update on the Edit Dynamic Form.

created / updated: The record's create user and date and change user and date. These items are not displayed on the Add Dynamic Form.