1: File Statement

The File statement defines the location of each data file and designates the type of information to be imported. See the sample File statement below:


This statement can be broken down as follows:

FILE,{Record Type},{path and filename of data file}

FILE and {Record Type} are required, while {path and filename of data file} are not.

If a valid path and filename are not entered in this section, the system displays a form where this information can be selected.

Note: If the default directory was not used when installing the system, this path needs to be changed to match the existing CSV SAMPLES and/or FIXED WIDTH SAMPLES directory. If you do not want to use some of the import types listed in the definition file, REM them out or delete them.


  • During the import process, if one row in your file contains an error, the import will not fail; instead the system will create an error exception file (.CSV or .TXT). Prior to the import error log displaying, the error exception form opens. You can accept the default name or enter a unique one for the exception file and where it will be saved. After correcting the errors, you can import this file. After correcting the errors, you can re-import this file. For more information about using the error exception file, see Error Exception File.