Error Exception File
During the import process, if a row in your file contains an error, the import will not fail; instead the system will create an error exception file. Prior to the import error log displaying, the error exception form opens. You can accept the default name or enter a unique one for the exception file and where it will be saved. Use this file to import after you have corrected the errors.
The following shows how the error exception file is created if one or more rows in a file fail to import.
- During the import process, if your file contains an error, the line will be extracted into an error exception file. The import process will continue importing and extracting all of the errors.
- The system will create an error exception file. You can select the name of the exception file and where it will be saved. Or you can accept the default file name and location. (This will be the same place your data file is located.) The default is the name of the original .csv or .txt file with ERR and a date and time stamp. For example, ChgCdERR20140827142947.csv
- Afterward, the import error log displays. This log is not saved after clicking OK. Make note of the errors or print (Ctrl+P) them before closing this message.
To complete your import session:
- Open the error exception file.
- Make your corrections to this file.
- Either rename it, if your .DEF file calls a specific file name; or change the .def file to import the error exception file.
- Restart the import process using the .def and the newly corrected file.
Note: The system will continue to check the import file and continue to create exception files, until all of the errors are fixed and the import completes.
For example, if the import file has subsets and the main set fails, all subsets will NOT be imported. However, they will be included in the error exception file. Once the main set is corrected, you can re-import it along with the associated subsets.
An error exception file will not be created, nor will a file be imported, if one of the following is met:
- The structure of the import file is not correct.
- Every row in the file contained an error.
- The data being imported has an unmet prerequisite.
Select the Location and Name of the Error File for: The system displays the import file name.
- File Name: Accept the default or enter the file name for the error exception file being created.
When attempting to view a CSV using Excel with accounts codes or values having leading zeros, the leading zero will be stripped off because Excel thinks it is a number.
To add the leading zeros back, highlight the column, right-click and select Format Cells, and create a Custom format. Enter "0#" in the Type field if the custom format is a two character field; for a three character field, enter 00# and so on.
Keep in mind if you open the CSV again with Excel to make changes you will have to go through the same process again.