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Error Exception File

Predefined Error Exception File

During the import process, if at least one row in your file contains an error, the import will not fail; instead the system will create an error exception file. Prior to the import error log displaying, the error exception form opens. You can accept the default name or enter a unique one for the exception file and where it will be saved. Use this file to re-import after you have corrected the errors.

Instead of having to select a location and naming the exception file, you can create a predefined name for the error exception file in the original .DEF file.

Every time the import file fails, your existing information will be replaced by the latest failure information. Note that you will only get the import error log as your notice to open your named error exception file. As a best practice, consider changing your procedures to include time between imports to open the error exception file, make corrections, and re-import the information before importing a new file.

Note: With a defined path and filename for the Error Exception File in the original.DEF file, you will NOT be reminded that this exists. The system will continue to display an import error log and that is your only reminder/notification to review the error exception file. If you do not make the corrections and re-import the error exception file before importing a new file using the same .DEF file, any new errors will overwrite the error exception file.

This File statement defines the location of each data file, designates the type of information to be imported, and includes a predefined location and name for the error exception file. See the sample File with a predefined error exception statement below:

FILE,SESSION,C:\MIP SHARE\IMPORT\CSV SAMPLES\T1_TRANS.CSV, ,{Path and Filename of Error Exception File}

This creates a predefined name for the error exception file in the original .DEF file.

Every time the import file fails, your existing information will be replaced by the latest failure information. So it is important to change your import procedures to include checking this named file after every import, immediately after you receive an error message.Than you can use this file to re-import after you have corrected the errors, before continuing to your next import session.

Because the system will replace the existing predefined error exception file when an import file fails, you might consider not creating the predefined error exception information if you plan to import using the same .DEF file repeatedly in one session. That way the system gives you the opportunity to uniquely name the failed import within a session, if a failure to import occurs.

When attempting to view a .CSV using Excel with accounts codes or values having leading zeros, the leading zero will be stripped off because Excel thinks it is a number.
To add the leading zeros back, highlight the column, right-click and select Format Cells, and create a Custom format. Enter "0#" in the Type field if the custom format is a two character field; for a three character field, enter 00# and so on.
Keep in mind if you open the .CSV again with Excel to make changes you will have to go through the same process again.