Audit Trails Advanced Organization Audit

The Advanced Organization Audit form displays system information that was selected to be recorded via the Set Up Advanced Organization Audit form. To open this section, click Advanced Organization Audit on the navigation pane at the side of the Audit Trails form.

Date: The date and time the activity was logged.

Record Type: The name of the form where the change occurred. If the name is hyphenated, the name of the Tab where the change occurred displays as well. For example, Set Up Advanced Organization Audit or Customer - Shipping Address.

Record ID: The identity of the record that was changed, such as Customer, ABC, or AAA.

Action: A code that indicates the type of action that occurred: Add, Edit, or Delete.

User ID: The User ID of the user who performed the action. Note that {database}_{tenant}_Admin (MIP Cloud) identifies when there are system processes that occurred using the system authentication. Also, on rare occasions, these identifiers will appear after performing an activity with your permission using the system authentication, such as database updates and data work.

Field Name: The name of the field where the change occurred, such as Enable Audit or Shipping Phone.

Old Value: The data that was in the field before it was added or changed, such as Disabled or (555) 555-5555. Note that a blank field displays when a new entry is added or when an existing data field was intentionally left blank.

New Value: The data that appears in the field after it was added or changed, such as Enabled or (999) 999-9999. Note that a blank field displays when an existing entry is deleted or when a new data entry field was intentionally left blank.

Associated Record ID: The secondary column associated to the Record ID that was changed, such as <Billing>AAA (Shipping Address Code and Customer ID) or <PostOffice> S (Address Code and Address Code Type). Note that a blank field displays when there is no association for the Record ID.