Combining Balance Sheet Reports

Access this report using Reports>Financial Statement >Combining Balance Sheet.

Use this report to view the balance sheet with a selected segment in columnar format across the page, for example, you can print the balance sheet for the grant segment with Grant amounts listed side by side in columnar format.

The Combining Balance Sheet:

  • Can be used to comply with ASC 958 (FAS 117 superseded)/GASB if the Segment Substitution feature is used to report the Net Asset section by Restriction (on the Report Builder Options Tab).
  • Contains Segment columns, which allow you to produce a comparative report by segment code. Assign a Type of Column (Report Builder Setup Tab) to one of the segments. Then, use the Column Totals tab to subtotal any combination of codes and to print those subtotals in a column on the report.

To use this report, a balance sheet must first be set up using Financial Statement Format for the report on the Report Builder Setup Tab.

These are the System Default reports available for Combining Balance Sheet:

  • Combining Balance Sheet Report

Note: Additional Custom Reports for Combining Balance Sheet may be available depending on your MIP implementation.


Use this tab to assign:

  • Balance Dates
  • Current Period Dates
  • Financial Statement Formats
  • Report Groups
  • Columns
  • Items by Page & Combining Column (Totals)

Balance Dates

The Balance Dates for the report display.

See Report Builder Setup Tab for more information on adjusting Balance Dates.

Current Period Dates

The Current Period Dates for the report display.

See Report Builder Setup Tab for more information on adjusting Current Period Dates.

Financial Statement Formats

The Financial Statement Format for the report displays.

See Report Builder Setup Tab for more information on adjusting Financial Statement Formats.

Report Groups

Selecting a Report Group in Columns, Items by Page & Combining Column (Totals), or Filter displays the Select\Edit Group Code dialog box.

See Report Builder Setup Tab for more information on working with Report Groups.


The current column configuration for the reports displays.

See Report Builder Setup Tab for more information on adjusting report columns.

These are the available columns with their descriptions for Combining Balance Sheet reports.

Note: Fewer or additional report columns may be available depending on your MIP implementation.



Financial Statement Section Titles

The financial statement level Section Titles that were set up using Financial Statement Format for the report on the Report Builder Setup Tab. This column always prints on the report.


The Financial Statement Level Titles, Account Titles, and Group Titles, which depend on the selected financial statement levels, account codes, and group codes. The column title does not print on the report.

Account Code

The actual code assigned to the account. The report prints the account code, such as 201, 05, or 45001.

Account Amount

Calculated by taking the debits minus the credits when the GL Account Code's Section Account Category is Asset. Otherwise, it is calculated by taking the credits minus the debits. The report includes segment columns when the segment is designated as Column for the Type in Items by Page.


The amount for all the segment columns. The system sums the debits minus the credits when the GL Account Code's Section Account Category is an Asset. Otherwise, it is calculated by taking the credits minus the debits.

Items by Page & Combining Column (Totals)

The current data arrangement per page for the report displays.

Use Items by Page to divided report items onto separate pages, starting a new page for each item.

See Report Builder Setup Tab for more information on separating report pages.

These are the available columns with their descriptions for Combining Balance Sheet reports.

Note: Fewer or additional report columns may be available depending on your MIP implementation.



{Segment Name} Code

The code assigned to the segment. The report shows a segment code—01, 201, 11001, for example. The report prints one column for each segment, such as Fund Code or GL Code.

{Segment Name} Group Code

The group code that was defined. The report prints a column for each group code, such as Fund Group Code.

Column Totals

In addition to arranging data by page, the combining reports for Financial Statement include combining column totals.

See Report Builder Setup Tab for more information on combining column totals.


The current column filtering for the reports displays.

Use filtering to narrow down and more explicitly define the data to include in the report.

See Report Builder Filter Tab for more information on adjusting report filters.

These are the available columns with their descriptions for Combining Balance Sheet reports.

Note: Fewer or additional report columns may be available depending on your MIP implementation.



{Segment Name} Code

The code assigned to the segment. The report shows a segment code—01, 201, 11001, for example. The report prints one column for each segment, such as Fund Code or GL Code.

{Segment Name} Group Code

The group code that was defined. The report prints a column for each group code, such as Fund Group Code.


Use this tab to set up any Available Options for the report.

See Report Builder Options Tab for more information on adjusting report options.

These are the available options with their descriptions for Combining Balance Sheets reports.



Financial Statement|Segment to Substitute for GL Segment

Select a segment to substitute for the General Ledger segment, or leave it at the default, None. The GL Code or GL Group Code must be selected in the Report Body in order to use this option. Selecting a group code is the same as filtering by group code on the entire report.

Financial Statement|Statement Level

Select this option to determine the statement level to print to. These levels (1-3) were created when the section titles were entered using Financial Statement Format for the report on the Report Builder Setup Tab.

Include|Encumbrance Amounts

Select this option to have the EN (Encumbrance) and RV (Reserve for Encumbrance) accounts display in your format with the appropriate amounts. Whether the box is checked or not, this Encumbrance information is only available if you have set up the report format to include Encumbrance amounts (using Financial Statement Format for the report on the Report Builder Setup Tab).

Include|Year End Adjustments

Select this option to mark the entry type as A (Year End Adjustments). The entry is posted to the last day of the fiscal year. It allows the user to make year-end adjustments and print reports including or excluding an adjustment.

Suppress Columns When the Column is Zero for the Entire Report

Select this option to suppress columns that have all zeros. Please note that this only applies to columns that have a zero value throughout the entire report.


Select this option to round the amounts to the nearest whole number when printing the report. Select "None" to not round the amounts.

Security|Do Not Allow Changes to this Report Select this option to lock the report and disallow changes.


Use this tab to change the font and page setup for a report.

See Report Builder Layout Tab for more information on adjusting the report layout.