Aged Payables

The Aged Payables chart displays the amount currently owed to creditors by the organization but not yet paid by current, 30-90 days, over 90 days, and the total to date. When you hover over a bar, a pop-up appears with the exact amount details. You can drill down on a aged range on the bar chart by clicking on the bars to get into the GL code records and vendors. The vertical label (Y-axis) displays the actual amounts and the horizontal label (X-axis) displays aged range.

This page displays three grids: Details, Codes, and Aged Payables.


Invoice Due Date From: Displays the invoice due date from for the aged period.

Invoice Due Date Through: Displays the invoice due date through for the aged period.

Invoice Count: Displays the invoice count for the aged period.

Credit Memo Count: Displays the credit memo count for the aged period.

Vendor Count: Displays the vendor count for the aged period.


To search for a GL Expense account type, enter the GL code or title into the search box at the upper left of the table. All the transactions that match begin showing up in the list. To display the record, click on the link in the "GL Code" column for that GL Code.

GL Account Code: The system displays the ID associated with Expense types. Click a code to display the Aged Payables | GL Code chart.

GL Account Title: The title assigned to the GL code.

Balance The actual balance for the line item.

Aged Payables

The system displays a snapshot of the aged payable totals for the selected aged period:

Current Total: The current total for the aged period.

1-30, 31-60, 61-90, Over 90 Day(s) Total: The actual aged payable total for the aged period.

Total Outstanding: The total amount outstanding for the selected aged period.