Quick Check/Transaction Register Report

Use this report to print a detailed listing of check, voucher, and adjustment information.

The Quick Check/Transaction Register is a fixed-format report, making it easier and quicker for you to run the report. You cannot customize the columns in the report; the system has already determined them. However, you can:

Change the order in which the data is arranged by sorting (ascending or descending order) on the columns displayed in the Setup tab. For example, if you want Employee IDs to be listed in alphabetical order, select "Employee ID," then sort by ascending.

Determine the way information is printed by changing criteria on the Filter tab. For example, if you want to filter employees by pay date, select "Pay Date," then "=" in the Operator column. Finally, enter the date to filter on in the Criteria 1 column. The system only prints data that has the same pay date that is entered.

Tip: If you're not familiar with the MIP Cloud Report Builder interface, see Report Builder for an introduction.

Current Transaction dates are required to specify the date range for data included in the report. Enter these dates on the Setup tab.

Selecting columns in the Report Body has no bearing on what appears on the report; the columns are for sorting purposes only.

  • By selecting Employee ID in the Available Columns box, the data can be divided onto separate pages. The report starts a new page for each Employee ID. Sort the Employee IDs by ascending or descending order in the Sort column.

  • By selecting Available Columns, the sort order for each column is determined. Sort the columns by ascending or descending order. Below is a list of the columns available to sort on. Keep in mind, that the report includes additional columns; these are the only ones that have sorting capabilities.

    • Processing Group

    • Pay Date

    • Employee ID

    • Employee Last Name

    • Document Number

Use the Filter tab to narrow down and define the data using the available filters.

Use the Options tab to Summarize Amounts on the report, to implement security features, and more.

  • Select "Summarize Amounts" to add amounts together and display one line item with the total amount. All document information must be identical for the system to add items together

  • You can secure the report so that other users cannot save their changes to it. This option can only be undone by the user that locked the report.

  • Select the "Year End Adjustments" option to include year end adjustments on the report. This entry type was designated during transaction entry.

  • Select the "Replace total debits and credits with Balance" option to show the net amount for each segment where totals have been requested. Otherwise, the report displays the total debits and total credits for each segment.

  • Select the "Total by Payroll" option to total processing group information, such as the hours taken and the hours accrued for the employees.

Use the Layout tab to change the font and page setup for a report.