Summary Check Transaction Register Report

Use this report to print a summarized listing of checks, vouchers, and adjustments in a register style.

You can choose to use the report as-is by clicking or , or make edits to the report by clicking .

Tip: If you're not familiar with the MIP Cloud Report Builder interface, see Report Builder for an introduction.

If you choose to make edits to the report, the Report Builder page will display. From this page, use the Setup tab to choose the columns you'd like to appear on the report. You can rename the columns under Column Heading.

Current Transaction dates are required to specify the date range for data included in the report. Enter these dates on the Setup tab.


The following fields are available to include in the report:

Processing Group

This is the processing group code that was set up for the employee using the Payroll>System Setup>Employee Information>Employee Record form.

Processing Group Title

The title of the processing group code.

Payroll Type

The payroll type—Adjust, Manual, Regular, Supplemental, or Void.

Pay Date

The date associated with the Payroll adjustment, check, or voucher.

Pay Period Begin Date

The pay period beginning date entered on the Payroll>System Setup>Payroll Codes>Processing Groups form.

Pay Period End Date

The pay period ending date entered on the Payroll>System Setup>Payroll Codes>Processing Groups form.

Employee ID

The employee's ID.

Employee Last Name

The employee's last name.

Employee First Name The employee's first name.

First, MI Name

The employee's first name and middle initial.

Employee Name

The employee's full name including the middle initial.

Employee Status

The status of the employee - Active, Inactive, or Terminated.

Social Security Number

The social security number. Note that only the last four digits of the number display.

  • To view the entire social security number, you must have been granted Display Sensitive Data rights for Payroll>System Setup>Employee Information. These rights are granted by the Administrator by going to Administration>Users>Manage Users, selecting the "Payroll" module, scrolling down to the "System Setup" section and selecting the checkbox under "Display Sensitive Data".


The employee's class, such as Admin or Staff.

Payment Type

The type of payment—Check, Voucher, or blank (for adjustments).

Document Number

The document number assigned during Payroll Processing.

Document Date

This is the document date assigned during Payroll Processing.

Timesheet Reference A unique tracking number provided for timesheets.

Document Description

The document description.


The amount of the check, voucher, or adjustment.


A designation of Yes or No depending on if the check was recorded as spoiled.

Cash Account

The system displays the cash account for which you are printing checks.

Accrual Account

The system displays the accrued expenses payable account for which you are printing checks.

Fund Code

The code assigned to the fund segment. The report shows a fund code—01, 02, 03, for example.

Interfund Due to Account

The Due To Account, used to keep the funds in balance. Accounts display when a Fund segment and the transaction entry fund account is different from the automatic offset fund account.

Interfund Due from Account

The Due From Account, used to keep the funds in balance. Accounts display when a Fund segment and the transaction entry fund account is different from the automatic offset fund account.


Use the Filter tab to narrow down and define the data using the available filters.

Use the Options tab to Summarize Amounts on the report, to implement security features, and more.

  • Select "Summarize Amounts" to add amounts together and display one line item with the total amount. All document information must be identical for the system to add items together

  • You can secure the report so that other users cannot save their changes to it. This option can only be undone by the user that locked the report.

  • Select the "Year End Adjustments" option to include year end adjustments on the report. This entry type was designated during transaction entry.

  • Select the "Replace total debits and credits with Balance" option to show the net amount for each segment where totals have been requested. Otherwise, the report displays the total debits and total credits for each segment.

  • Select "Suppress Lines with All Zeros" so that documents with zero amounts do not print. This eliminates records having zero in all amount columns. If it is not selected, every line prints, even if it has a zero value.

Use the Layout tab to change the font and page setup for a report.