
Sales leads include individuals and associations with potential interest in your product. Options in the Leads group item allow users to add new leads and view a list of existing leads. You may also run a query for leads or import a list of new leads. In the Sales module, standard Leads group item options include Find, List, Query and Import Wizard.


Find Leads

Search for leads imported into your database by hovering over the Leads group item — select the option Find Leads.

The basic "Find - Prospect List" form will load. Enter your search criteria. For a more specific search, click the "Advanced View" checkbox. Expanded Boolean type search options will appear for each search criteria field. Use these search options to narrow your search results further.

List Name: Enter all or part of the name of the lead.
Source: Select the source of the lead from the drop-down field.
List Date: The date on which the lead was uploaded to the Enterprise database.
List Count: The number of leads uploaded in a prospect list.
And/Or: Specify whether to run the search for results that include both the login name and the friendly name by selecting AND or opt for results including either the login name or the friendly name by selecting OR.

Once the search criteria have been entered, click "Go". A list of search results will display in the List - Prospect List screen. If only one result came of the search, the profile screen for that result will automatically load.

List Leads

Hover your mouse over the Leads group item. Click the List Leads option.

The List - Leads screen will load. Click on the arrow icon at the start of the lead line to open the lead profile window. There are several options for users to manipulate the list of leads, depicted by the List Page Action Links in the upper right corner of the list window.

List page action links include:

Query Leads

To create a lead query, hover over the Leads group item and select Query Leads.

Note: For more detailed steps on creating queries, visit the Query page.

The Query - Prospect List form allows you to use a more complex set of criteria to search for records than the standard Find group item link.

Clicking the Query Lead group item link will take you to the Query - Prospect List page. The Run Query Group Item Link and the Query Tool page are standard through all netFORM modules. However, the tables used to create queries are specific to the module within the query tool. Only data pertinent to the module is available for you to use in the query.

In addition to the Find tool, the Query tool allows you to make more refined and specific searches of Leads in the database. The Query tool uses Boolean search characteristics—combinations of "and", "or", "not", and parenthesis to create complex search criteria.

Find vs. Query: The Find page is set up with a pre-defined set of fields (criteria). The Query search allows you to select ANY column in the search Table.

When adding a new query, specify the column headers that you want to display in the search results and set the way in which results will be grouped.

Query User Interface Elements:

Note: The Deny Selected Group, Save Query, and Run Query buttons will not be displayed until either a saved query is chosen, or conditions are entered into a new query.

Import Wizard

Use the Import Wizard option to import data on customer leads. Data may be imported via an Excel spreadsheet and it is simple to categorize uploaded data. To access this feature, click Import Wizard under the Leads group item.

Note: If you wish to enter customer data for an existing customer, you may do so by editing the lead via its profile screen.

The import wizard form, step 1, will load. Importing data is a three step process, and your progress is indicated in the status widget on the right-hand side of the screen, as indicated in the screenshot below.

Step 1: Header Setup

Under Header Setup, both the name and source code fields are required data. Specify a name for the data to be uploaded in the name field. In the source code drop-down field, select the source of the leads being uploaded. For example, if the potential lead came from a member referral, select the appropriate option from the drop-down list.

If the desired source code does not appear in the list, you may add a new option. Click the Add icon next to the source code field to open the Add - Source Code window. Enter a name in the required source code field. If you wish, you may also apply dates to the source code to indicate, for example, sales promotions that occurred over a period of time. Click Save to preserve the data. Your new source code will now be available under the source code drop-down field.

You may also opt to specify an import date. By entering an import date, in future you can easily determine how long ago the company data was originally uploaded and whether it needs to be updated. To track the number of data lines in the imported document versus the expected number, record the expected and actual count numbers in the appropriate fields. You may also enter a brief description in the description field.

Click Save & Continue to save your progress and continue to the next step.

Step 2: File Selection

Once basic information on the file to be uploaded has been entered in Step 1: Header Setup, step 2 is simply a matter of uploading the desired Excel file.

Click Browse... to open a file upload window. Select the desired Excel file to upload from your hard drive or server. Excel files should contain one type of data per column—for example, you may enter the first names of points of contact in the first column, last names in the second column, etc, as is shown in the example below. It is not necessary to limit one's data to names and titles, however: upload addresses, phone and fax numbers, customer keys, and more. You may also choose to leave the first row of data as headers for each column, though such headers are not necessary for subsequent steps in the file upload process.

Once the file for upload has been selected, click Save & Continue to proceed to step 3.

Step 3: Match Columns

In the third step, Match Columns, specify how you wish the database to label each column of information in the uploaded Excel spreadsheet. When an Excel file is uploaded in step 2, the Enterprise database scans the file data--in step 3 you have the ability to label the data from each column in the original Excel spreadsheet. For example, if there were three columns containing three types of data in the uploaded document, you will have the option to create a template with three fields.

Note that the database has taken the information uploaded in the Excel file and placed it in the right-hand drop-down fields on the form template. Each column of data in the Excel file corresponds to a drop-down field on the "Match Column" form. In the example below, data from the first column in the Excel spreadsheet has been compiled into one drop-down field. All of the data in that column is now in the drop-down field.

Use the corresponding left-hand fields to indicate the the type of data that has been uploaded to each field.

When you have finished editing the template, click Finish to save changes. The Prospect List Profile screen for your uploaded data will load.

Prospect List Profile

Once all three steps of the import wizard have been completed, the Prospect List Profile for the uploaded lead will appear. The Prospect List Profile screen displays basic details about the prospect as well as uploaded information.