Group Link Security

The Group Security tool enables access to Group Item Links. The Set Group Security tool enables an administrator to configure navigational/link security for groups to access Group Item Links within NetForum.

This security model will enable Group Item Links to users in a particular security group. This kind of security can be used to turn on or off an entire module to a group.

Group Item Link security is an additive security in that this security bestows rights to users but does not revoke. The more groups a user belongs to, the more access they will get to links within netFORUM. In other words, if a user is in an Events groups that provides access to that module, and a Membership group that provides access to that module, then the user will see both modules, even if the Events security group does not provide access to the Events module.

This kind of security does not apply to database tables and columns; see Group Table Privilege and Group Column Privilege for information about database-oriented security.

How to Add/Remove Security

Adding Group Security from the Group Profile

Managing from Group Item Link

Copy Group Security

See Also

  • Group Link Security Icons - how icons are enabled on profile pages using this security feature.
  • Report Security
  • fw_group_x_link - the database table that stores these settings.
  • Group Item Link Privileges - specific information about Quick Report security.
  • Set Group Security