Intacct Software Integration
Users of Intacct accounting software can integrate Intacct data into NetForum. Once integration with Intacct has been enabled, users have access to additional Accounting Setup options and options on the Price Setup form.
Note: Beginning in NetForum Enterprise 2014, all accounting data gathered in netFORUM can be exported to Intacct.
Enabling Intacct Integration
Note: Beginning in NetForum Enterprise 2014, Intacct will be enabled by default. Versions prior to 2014 will still need to modify the system options listed below.
Several system options must be set up in order to integrate Intacct with NetForum. These include:
- IntacctCompanyID
- IntacctJournalID
- IntacctSenderID
- IntacctSenderPassword
- IntacctServiceURL
- IntacctUserID
- IntacctUserPassword
In most cases, only IntacctCompanyID, IntacctUserID, and IntacctUserPassword required additional configuration by an administrator. You will be required to provide your unique Intacct company ID, user ID, and password in order to successfully integrate Intacct and NetForum.
Note: While these system options will be available in all NetForum instances, they will only be applicable if the BatchExportFormat system option is set to Intacct.
Importing Data from Intacct
Once the necessary Intacct system options are set up, customers gain access to additional Accounting Setup child forms.
Note: Beginning in version 2014, access to the Intacct set of child forms will be available by default.
The Accounting Setup child forms related to Intacct are:
- Segments
- Classes
- Locations
- Departments
Each of the objects included on these child forms is set up using the Intacct software. If you do not have rights to Intacct, you will not be able to set up additional objects. Please view the Intacct Help documentation for information on setting up your Intacct objects.
Once the objects have been setup in Intacct they can be imported into netFORUM by clicking the Import from Intacct button located on the Intacct child forms named above.
When records are imported from Intacct to the segments, classes, departments, or locations child forms, any new records created in Intacct are added. Records that have been updated in Intacct are added as new records. It is a good idea to refresh this list frequently by clicking the Import from Intacct button each time you are going to be working with netFORUM objects that may request this information.
Note: If objects are deleted in Intacct, they are not automatically deleted in netFORUM.
Segments are referred to as accounts in the Intacct software. Clicking the Import from Intacct button will import all of the accounts that have been setup in Intacct into the segments child form.
Intacct-Related Fields in Merchandise Price Setup Forms
Once Intacct integration is enabled, new fields also appear in the price setup form when adding or editing prices for merchandise.
The classes, departments, and locations drop-down fields pull data from the records imported from Intacct on the Accounting Setup page under the classes, departments, and locations child forms. These fields will only display if the BatchExportFormat system option is set to Intacct
Export Field Mappings
netFORUM sends to the following fields to Intacct during integration.
Note: If the required fields are blank at the time of integration, the null fields can cause the integration to fail. To prevent this problem, make sure every required field has a value before you attempt integration. If your integration has already failed and you have null field values in required fields, see the FAQ topic for a method to correct the null fields and rerun the integration.
Intacct Field | Required for Integration? | NetForum Field |
journalid | required |
Contains the value of the NetForum system option IntacctJournalId |
datecreated | required | Contans the value of the NetForum accounting batch date, YYYYMMDD where MM does not have leading zero (integer only) and DD does not have leading zero (integer only) |
description | optional | NetForum accounting batch code |
NetForum sends the following data in the ledger export to Intacct. The NetForum fields come from the Ledger records in ac_ledger and related data.
Intacct Field | NetForum Field |
trtype | "debit" or "credit" based on led_amount>0.00. |
amount | led_amount |
glaccountno | led_gla_code - this is the NetForum G/L account |
memo | Batch Code |
locationid | Location ID, as set up on the Price, if any |
departmentid | Department ID, as set up on the Price, if any |
classid | Class ID, as set up on the Price, if any |
projectid | Project ID, as set up on the Price, if any |
G/L Accounts
Q. I understand that NetForum imports class, departments and locations. Are we not importing G/L Accounts from Intacct?
A. No, not at this time.
Export Format
Q. When you click the Export button on the batch screen, instead of file being created, will data be sent to Intacct? Is that correct? Will a file also be created?
A. When the batch is posted, NetForum will call an Intacct web service and connect directly to Intacct via the web service. There is no export file generated, and a user does not need to manually import a file into Intacct.
To know what is posted to Intacct, you can look directly in the ac_intacct_log table in SQL Server. See the Table topic for a sample script.
Multiple Batch Export
Q. If someone selects Post multiple batches will all of those G/L entries be sent over to Intacct using web services?
A. Yes. The logic with posting multiple batches uses the same logic for a single batch.
Integration Point
Q. How does NetForum integrate with Intacct?
A. NetForum uses Intacct 2.1 DTDs.