
Mailers+4 from Melissa Data verifies and standardizes addresses, adds ZIP+4, eliminates duplicate records, postal presorts, and prints labels with POSTNET bar codes. It is CASS, PAVE and POSTNET certified by the USPS. Ordinarily, Mailers+4 is a standalone product. NetForum integrates with Mailer+4 by using Melissa Data’s Address Object product that uses COM interoperability. Canadian integration is available with an Add-On. The format should be in US format.

Required Items to purchase:

  • Address Object
  • Subscription to Mailers+4

For Canadian Integration, the following additional products will need to purchased:

  • Canadian Address Object0
  • Subscription to Mailers+4


The product is licensed depending on the number of address records verified a year. Call 1-800-MELISSA for Pricing

(Payment schedule per year below as of July 5, 2005):

Records Price
120,000 $4,900
1,200,000 $6,900
5,000,000 $8,900
Unlimited $9,900

Abila Integration Costs

Usage and Instructions

Melissa Mailer’s Installation & setup:

1) Melissa Address COM object for Windows need to be installed. This can be purchased from Melissa Data Corporation.

2) Current Stable Release (i.e. as of 08/29/05)


3) Mailers System Options

    a) “AddressCorrectionEnabled” should be checked.
    b) “AddressCorrection” current setting should be “Mailers”.
    c) “MailersDataFilePath” current setting should be pointed to the folder containing data files. (“national.dat”
    d) “MailersLicenseString” will be “DEMO” for the demo version. Replace this with license key in case of registered full-version. 

4) “AddressCheckClass” was used to verify address and "ZipCodeDataClass” was used for retrieving latitude and longitude based on zip centroid. 5) AddressLine1, AddressLine2, City, State, Zip, County, Latitude, Longitude will be populated.

Technical Support:

Note: Latitude and Longitude retrieved using Address object are based on zip centroid which will have some approximation. If more accuracy is needed in future, GeoCoder object need to be used which calculates Latitude and Longitude based on zip-plus4 centroid.

See AVS Fields for more information.

See Also