Setting up Miscellaneous Products

A Miscellaneous Product can be set up for items such as consulting services, training, award entry fees, or administrative fees.

When you set up miscellaneous products, you should select a category for the product. This enables you to sort products by category in the Shopping Cart and Online Store.

To access the Miscellaneous Product Information form:

  1. Navigate to the Administration Overview page.
  2. Expand the Miscellaneous group item.
  3. Click the Add Miscellaneous hyperlink. This opens the Miscellaneous Product Information form.

Section 1: Miscellaneous Product Information

Enter vital details about the new product in the Miscellaneous Product Information section of the form.

  1. Enter the Product Code (required).
  2. Enter the order number in the Product List Order field to indicate the order in which the miscellaneous product will appear relative to other products in the shopping cart.
  3. Enter a Product Name (required) and Product Description.

  1. Select the Product Category. (For information on setting up this drop-down list, see Setting up the Miscellaneous Product Category Drop-Down List.)
  2. If the product is taxable, click the Taxable check box.
  3. Click the Available for Members Only check box to make it available to members only—if this check box is clicked, the Viewable to Non-Members check box becomes visible. Click this to make the product visible in the shopping cart to non-members.
  4. In the Keywords field, enter keywords that will help users search for the product online.

Section 2: Miscellaneous Product Availability for Sale

The Miscellaneous Product Availability for Sale section of the form allows you to indicate whether the miscellaneous product is inactive or available for sale. You can also indicate dates of availability for the product, and when to highlight the product as "New" or "Featured."

  1. If the Inactive check box is selected, the product will not be available via the shopping cart.

  1. In the Item Available From and To fields, enter the start and end dates that this price will be available. The product will only be available for sale within these dates.
  2. Enter Show as New From and To dates to highlight the product as new. (The word "New" will be added to the product name in the Shopping Cart.)
  3. Enter Featured Product From and To dates to highlight the product as "featured" in the Shopping banner.

Section 3: Online Information

The Online Information section includes settings determining if and when the product is sold online.

  1. To sell the item online, click the Sell Online check box and enter the dates you want to make it available online.

  1. Indicate the Sell Online From and To dates.
  2. Click Save.
A Miscellaneous Product must have a price assigned to it for it to be available through the Shopping Cart or Online Store.

The Miscellaneous Product profile page will appear.

From the Miscellaneous Product Profile, you can: