Actions Initiated from List Pages

The Accounting Module > Actions group item menu (along with the CRM Module > Actions group item menu) provides access to several processes that allow you to generate batch actions on several customers at once.

 For example, through the Actions menu, you often run the Membership Renewal process on several members at once, seen below.

The main restriction to using the Actions member is that you must use fields or parameters dictated on the Membership Renewal form, seen above, to select the group of records that will be affected by the chosen action.

For clients who require more flexibility in how their batch processes are run, a method is available based on the List returned when a query is run. (Note that the Accounting > Actions menu is still available for clients who use it to fit currently defined business processes such as renewing multiple Member Types at once).

To initiate an Action based upon a List page from a query, perform the following steps:

  1. Choose a query from Query Central (or create your own) that will generate the List page you desire.  For example, if you want to run a Membership Renewal process, do not choose a Subscription or Individual query. Choose a Membership query that can be modified or run to return the data in a List you need for your membership renewal action.
  2. To demonstrate the possible flexibility of using this functionality, the association in this example has decided to renew specific Member Types that have also made specific Subscription purchases. The Membership by Member Type & Subscription Purchase by Date Range query has been used as a result and the parameters for that query are demonstrated in the image below.
  1. A List returns records that meet the criteria defined in the query parameters. You may use Select Mode with the List to further modify which records will be affected by your Action by selecting the appropriate check-boxes.
  1. Note that an Actions menu (below) has been added to the top right menu of List pages detailing what batch Actions can now be performed on the List generated by the query that was just run.
  2. Only Actions available for specific queries will be available. For example, Subscription actions will not be available on List pages generated by Membership queries.

  1. Selecting the Renew Membership hyperlink will once again prompt the Membership Renewal window. Notice that this window has reduced fields / parameters for you to complete when compared to the first renewal window that was selected from the Accounting Module > Actions group item > Process Membership Renewals demonstrated above.
  2. This is because the data group has been pulled in from the query you just used. Clicking the Process Renewals button will renew the member types selected just as if you had used the standard Membership Renewals process from the Actions menu.

As noted previously, using a query to generate your List provides much greater flexibility in the data selected to renew.

The following Actions are available using the functionality described above:




Committee Participant




Tip: Scheduled processes take 10 to 15 minutes to complete or finish behind whichever tasks are in the Scheduled Jobs queue, whichever occurs first.