Processing Membership Drops

The Membership Drop Process is a batch update process that updates the membership status for a group of individuals or organizations whose memberships need to be terminated.

The filter criteria for the batch update process is a combination of member type, member status, and membership expiration date. An example of when you would use this feature would be to search for all members of a certain member type and member status who have not made a dues payment by a certain date. After you have a list of records that fits this criteria, you can change (or flip) the membership status from ”r;member” to ”r;non-member."  You may also schedule this process for a period in the future so that you can process drops at the end of each month if you choose just as you process Membership Renewals.

Prior to actually running the Membership Drop Process, you should run the Membership Drop Preview Report to display which memberships will be dropped. Once you run the Membership Drop Process, you will not be able to reverse the drop process. It is a good idea to print the results of this report prior to running the Membership Drop Process. Once you run this process, you will not be able to run this report again to locate these records.

The Membership Drop Preview report can be accessed by completing the following steps:

  1. Click the Accounting hyperlink on the Module Menu to launch the Accounting module.
  2. Click the Membership Actionsgroup item to display the list of available actions.
  3. Click the Process Membership Drop link to open the Drop Memberships pop-up window.

  1. Expand the Reports drop-down menu located in the upper-right corner of the Drop Memberships pop-up window.
  2. Click the Membership Drop Preview option to open the Report:  Membership Drop Preview pop-up window where you will enter your search criteria.

  1. Visit the Membership Drop Preview Report help topic for full details on running this report.

To run the Membership Drop Process, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the Accounting hyperlink on the Module Menu to launch the Accounting module.
  2. Click the Membership Actionsgroup item to display the list of available actions.
  3. Click the Process Membership Drop link to open the Drop Memberships pop-up window.
  4. The Termination Date will default to today's date, however this can be modified if necessary.
  5. Expand the Termination Reason drop-down menu and select the appropriate reason for the termination from the available choices.
  6. Note: When processing organizations that are no longer members, the Terminate Date and Terminate Reason fields must be completed in order for the linked individuals [to that organization] to no longer receive member benefits. If you do not complete these fields, the linked individuals will continue to receive member benefits. View Terminating a Membership for more information.

  1. Expand the Member Type drop-down menu and select the membership type for the individuals that will be dropped. Only members of this type will be processed.
  2. Expand the Current Member Status drop-down menu and select the status for the members you wish to process.
  3. Enter the range of dates for the membership expiration dates in the Expire From and Expire Through fields.
  4. Expand the Dropped Member Status and select the status you wish the dropped members to have after the process completes.
  5. Expand the Schedule drop-down menu and select when you would like this process to run.

  1. Click the Process Drops button. The Drop Memberships pop-up window will update to inform you that the process has been scheduled.

Tip: Scheduled processes will take 10 to 15 minutes to complete or, finish behind whichever tasks are in the Scheduled Jobs queue, whichever is first.

After the process completes, an e-mail is generated by the Process Membership Drop action and provides detail on the actions that were performed. The confirmation e-mail provides the following additional data:

  • Terminate Date
  • Terminate Reason
  • Member Status
  • Member Types
  • Processing Data

Tip: Only those Process Membership Drop actions that have been scheduled will generate the confirmation e-mail with the additional data.  Instant processing does not provide this information.

These additional fields are set on the Drop Memberships form that is completed when setting up the Process membership Drop process.

A sample e-mail received is displayed below.