Canceling a Payment

If a payment has been assigned to a batch, it can be canceled from the Payment Profile by clicking the Cancel Payment button.

(For information on voiding a payment, see the help topic: Voiding a Payment.)

To cancel a payment:

  1. Navigate to the Payment Profile for the payment you wish to cancel.
  2. Click Cancel Payment.
The Cancel Payment button appears when a payment has already been assigned to a batch. Once a payment has been assigned to a batch, the option to void the payment becomes unavailable.

This will open the Payment Cancellation pop-up window.

  1. Enter a date for the payment cancellation in the Cancellation Date field.
  2. To issue a credit for the canceled payment, click the Credit Payment check box.
Examples of occasions on which you may need to un-check the Credit Payment check box include instances of NSF (non-sufficient funds), chargeback, or other data entry error.

When canceling credit card payments, if the Credit Payment check box is clicked, the credit card will be refunded and an adjustment (Debit--A/R; Credit--Liability) added to the General Ledger. If the Credit Payment check box is NOT clicked, the credit card is not refunded, and an adjustment (Debit--A/R; Credit--Cash) is added to the General Ledger.
  1. Click Process Cancellation. The Payment Profile updates with the cancellation information. In the image below, note that the Status is now set to Canceled. The Payment Cancellation/Void Date appears at the bottom of the profile.

If the Credit Payment check box was clicked in the Payment Cancellation pop-up window, Payment Credited? will be marked as Yes under the Other Payment Methods Information section.

The Payment Invoice & Transaction Details child form will also update to show the initial payment, the cancellation, and the refund.

If a credit was applied, it will appear in the Payment Credit profile.