Voiding a Payment

If a payment transaction has not been posted to a batch and must be voided, you can do so from the Payment Profile.

On the Payment Profile, the Void Payment button appears when a payment has not yet been assigned to a batch. Once a payment has been assigned to a batch, the option to void the payment becomes unavailable and the Cancel Payment button appears.

(For information on canceling a payment, see the help topic: Canceling a Payment.)

If the payment was made by cash or check, a credit is NOT created on the account. When a payment is voided, the void process removes the payment as if it did not occur. The order will remain on the customer record, showing the Balance Due.

See also:

Voiding a Credit Card Payment

If you void the payment by voiding the invoice, the transaction will be completely removed from the batch, the general ledger, and the customer's record.

To void a payment:

  1. Find the payment you wish to void.
  2. Click the Void Payment icon located on the Payment Profile.

This will open the Void Payment pop-up window.

  1. If the date to void the payment is a date other than today's, enter it in the Void Date field.
  2. Enter the reason for voiding the payment in the Void Reason field.

  1. Click the Void Process button.

The Payment Profile will update to reflect that the payment has been voided.

If a payment applies to multiple invoices, you will not be able to void the payment.

The void process will remove the payment as if the payment did not occur. The order will remain on the customer's record and you will see a Balance Due.