Setting Up a Percentage-Based Discount

Percentage-based discounts are set up from the Discount Code Profile. (See Setting Up Discount Codes or Coupons.)

To set up a Percentage-Based Discount Code:

  1. Go to the Discount Code Profile.
  2. Select the Amounts tab.
  3. On the Amounts child form, click the Add icon.
  4. Enter the Code for the discount coupon code. (This is the second half of the discount coupon code.)
  5. Enter the Price Name for the discount coupon code.
  6. From the Charge Code drop-down list, select Discounts.
  7. Make sure the Percentage Based check box is selected.
  8. Enter the percentage amount in the Amount field.
  9. Enter a Start Date and an End Date. (Required)

  1. Click the Save button. This creates a system-generated Discount Coupon Code which you will see on the Amounts child form.

Note: The Product Code (specified when the discount was created) and the Price Code (added above) combine to create the system-generated Discount Coupon Code listed on the Amounts child form.

  1. You must also associate the discount code to a product type before it will be available for use.