Sending E-Mail to a List of Individuals or Organizations

The E-Mail this List feature gives you the ability to send e-mail correspondence to a group of individuals or organizations from the List Individuals or List Organizations page. The list of individuals or organizations can be the result of a search or a query. Messages sent using the E-Mail this List feature will have an opt-out option at the bottom of the e-mail to allow the recipient to opt-out of future correspondence of this message category.

You can also use the Messaging Job Setup Wizard to send e-mail correspondence to a list.

  1. Expand the Modules menu in the main navigation bar. Select CRM.

  2. Expand the Individuals group item and select Find Individuals. The Find–Individual form appears.

  1. Enter search criteria and click Go. The more information you enter in the Find–Individual form, the narrower search results will be.
    To return all available search results, enter the wild card character, %, into any search field.

  2. The List Individuals page displays the search results. Click the E-mail This List icon to display the Send Correspondence form.

On the Send Correspondence form, note the number of records in the data set. This number represents the number of individuals who will receive the correspondence.

Note: For a large list, the preferred method of sending e-mail correspondence is through the Messaging Job Setup Wizard. The messaging engine can be set up based on Mailing Lists or Queries.

Using the Send Correspondence Form

Once message recipients have been selected and you have navigated to the Send Correspondence form, complete the following steps to send a message:

  1. Select a Message Category from the Category drop-down list. (One of the purposes of selecting a category is to look for individuals who want to opt out of receiving this type of e-mail. For more information, see Setting Up the E-mail Opt-Out and Message Categories)

  2. Enter a Description for your correspondence.

  3. If you want to use an existing template, select it from the Template drop-down list (otherwise, leave this field blank). To preview the template, click Preview.

    Note: Templates in the Template drop-down list are available based on the Recipient Type that was set up the template was created. For example, if you are creating correspondence for a List of Event Registrants, only templates that have been set up for Recipient Types = Event Registrant will show in the list. If you are creating correspondence for a List of Individuals, a different set of templates will display in the template list (Recipient Type = Individual).

  1. Once a template is selected, the subject will automatically populate the Subject field, but can be edited. If you are not using a template, enter a subject for the correspondence in the Subject line.

  2. Type (or copy and paste) the body text for your message into the HTML Template text box.

  3. To ensure that recipients who cannot receive HTML e-mail still receive the correspondence, copy and paste the message into the Plain Text Template box.

To send a test message to yourself:

  1. Make sure your e-mail address appears in the send message to text box.

  2. Click Send Test Message. A test correspondence will be sent to you.

To send the correspondence to the list of individuals:

Click the Send Message(s)Now! button. The correspondence will be sent to each person on the list. The individuals' e-mail addresses will automatically populate the To field in the e-mail message. A record of the correspondence will appear under each person's Individual Profile Correspondence child form tab.

Using Available Fields to Insert Data Tags

Use Available Fields to insert data merge tags into the message subject or body. When the message is sent, these tags will be replaced with corresponding values. For example, the {ind_first_name} tag will cause an individual's first name to appear where in that tag location.

  1. Select a data merge field from the Available drop-down list. The merge code displays in the text box to the right of the drop-down list (e.g., when you select First Name from the drop-down list, {ind_first_name} displays in the next field.

  2. Click the Copy to Clipboard icon to copy the merge code (e.g., {ind_first_name}).

  3. Place your mouse cursor in the document where you want to insert the data merge code.

  4. Right-click and select Paste from the menu to insert the merge code into the document. When the message is sent, the appropriate data will be merged into the text of your message.