Speaker Management Overview

From the Events module, you can manage Speaker Information including:

Creating a Speaker Profile

Assigning a Speaker to a Session

Adding a Speaker Biography

Adding a Speaker Introduction

Adding Speaker Ranking Information

Adding Speaker Honorarium Information

Uploading Speaker Documents

Adding a Presentation Topic

Assigning a Presentation Topic to a Speaker

Confirming a Speaker

Cancelling a Speaker

Speaker Setup

Before you start using the Speaker Management functionality, you may want to set up the drop-down lists for Speaker Ranking, Housing Room Types, and Speaker Types. These drop-down lists are set up from the Speakers tab on the  Events Setup page (i.e., Events Information page).

Note: The Speaker Ranking and Housing Room Types drop-down lists are available on the form used to create the Speaker Profile. The Speaker Types drop-down list is available when you assign a speaker to a session.

Enabling Speaker Information Online

Once you have set up speaker profiles and assigned them to event sessions, you will most likely want to make sure they appear on eWeb so that your customers can view what sessions they have been assigned to and their biographical information. View the Enabling Speaker Information Online topic for more information on making sure your speakers appear on eWeb.