Allocation Codes - Recipient Tab

Access this tab using Maintain>Allocation Codes.

Use this tab to select the allocation segment codes to allocate to, and to designate indirect cost rate and begin date, if needed. The system also displays any GL accounts that were identified on the Allocation Codes - Pool Tab. The indirect cost rate segment Code, IC Rate, and the ICR Begin Date are displayed, and information can be entered if indirect cost rate capping applies. Since the allocation occurs between segments other than GL, GL accounts selected on the Pool tab are fixed in the allocation and display here for reference.


Codes to Allocate To: The system displays one segment column and entry code column for each segment selected on the Allocation tab. Additionally, there is an entry code column for each non balancing segment, not selected as the allocation segment on the Allocation tab. The addition of the non balancing segment information allows you to designate non balancing segments to be used in place of those otherwise derived from the pool lines, when the recipient entries are created by the system. To expand this group box and hide the Indirect Cost Rate, GL Accounts to Allocate To, and GL Account Entry Code boxes, click Expand Group Box .

  • {Segment Name}: Select the recipient codes to allocate the indirect costs to. Once a code is selected, you can specify an alternate Entry Code.
  • {Segment Name} - Entry Code: Select a substitute code. This code replaces the selected code for transaction entry. This may be helpful when calculating percentages for relative account balance on one set of allocation segment codes (the original recipient codes) and entries are made to a different set of segment codes (the entry codes). In addition to the allocation segment codes entry codes, the system also displays entry codes for any non-balancing segments (unless selected as allocation segments). By selecting any of the non-balancing segment entry codes, fund is allocated to the selected non-balancing segment code during transaction entry.

Indirect Cost Rate: This group box is available even if the indirect cost rate method was not selected on the Allocation tab. It is available when one allocation segment is selected as ICR Segment and/or Use indirect cost limit cap is selected. To expand this group box and hide the Codes to Allocate To, GL Accounts to Allocate To, and GL Account Entry Code boxes, click Expand Group Box .

  • {Segment Name}: This is the segment selected as the ICR Segment on the Allocation tab. The system displays the ICR segment codes that were selected as part of the Allocation segment codes in the Codes to Allocate To group box above.
  • IC Rate: Enter the applicable Indirect Cost Rate for each of the selected recipient codes. IC Rates are required if the Indirect Cost Rate method, or Use indirect cost limit cap check box are selected on the Allocation tab.
  • ICR Begin Date: Enter the begin date for the Indirect Cost Rate. This date is required if the Use indirect cost limit cap check box is selected on the Allocation tab.

GL Accounts to Allocate To

  • Selected: The system displays the GL accounts that were identified on the Pool tab.
  • Status: All codes displayed have a status of Active or Inactive and do not include AP and AR account types.
  • Title: The system displays the titles for the GL accounts that were identified on the Pool tab.

GL Account Entry Code: Enter a GL account to substitute for the receiving General Ledger accounts, or select one from the drop-down list. This code keeps the indirect cost pool intact and reallocates to one account instead of numerous accounts. This field only displays CSH type codes whose currency matches the organization's functional currency. All selected GL account codes from GL Accounts to Allocate From are replaced by this code during transaction entry. This code is required if the Indirect Cost Rate method and/or the Use indirect cost limit cap check box is selected on the Allocation tab.

Allocation Method: The system displays a method of Table, Indirect Cost Rate, Relative Account Balances, Weighted Average Daily Balance, Employee Headcount, Labor Hours, Transaction Count, or UDF Unit Measures on each tab of this form to ensure that you know the method of the selected allocation code you are setting up or editing.

Refer to the Nonbalancing Segment Entry Codes and Sub Account Rules for a list of the rules used for nonbalancing segment Entry Codes and Sub Account Requirements with balance sheet type GL accounts in Allocations.