Process Allocations - Allocation Codes Tab

Access this tab using Activities>Process Allocations.

Use this tab to select a code to perform the allocation. At least one allocation code must be selected with all required columns completed.

If allocation codes are grouped to run within the same calculation, the system calculates each allocation consecutively and treats each prior code as if posted to the ledgers. The order the Allocation Codes display in the Selected Codes box is the order in which they are calculated. To change the order of the Allocation Codes, select one and use the Up/Down Mover to move it.

The Basis allows you to indicate whether the allocation method (Table, Indirect Cost Rate, Relative Account Balances, or Weighted Average Daily Balance) should use Actual or Budget transactions. Remaining allocation methods are limited to Actual transactions only. This allows you to allocate actual or budgeted monetary amounts. If a Grant allows an allocated amount up to the budgeted amount and the actual expenditures are greater than the budget, you can allocate the budgeted amount to the Grant. When allocating based on Actual or Budget, the transaction entries created will always be actual, not budget. The allocation will produce an error when the actual entry, that is based on the budget entries (which do not require all account codes), does not have all segment account codes in the transaction line when allocating to REV, EXP, or NAE GL account types. Sessions with transaction entry errors (for example, missing segment codes) are created with a Session Status of “Batch-to-Suspend (BS).”


Available Codes, Selected Codes: In the Available Codes column, select at least one allocation code to perform the allocation, and then click the Mover (>) to move the code to the Selected Codes column. The Available Codes are based on all the allocation codes created using Maintain>Allocation Codes, with a status of Active or Inactive.

Method: The system displays the allocation method assigned to each allocation code-Employee Headcount (Head Ct), Indirect Cost Rate (ICR), Labor Hours (Hours), Relative Account Balances (RAB), Table, Transaction Count (Trans Ct), UDF Unit Measures (UDF), or Weighted Average Daily Balance (WADB).

Period, Amounts From, Amounts To: Select a period of Custom, Last Month, Last Quarter, or Last Year. This period is related to the Amounts From and Amounts To dates. Enter the date range defining the monetary amounts to be allocated for the selected allocation code. The system automatically displays the value of the default period that was selected on the Process Information Tab. Period can be changed without affecting the Default Period. However, editing the date range changes the Period to “Custom.”

Basis: Enter a basis for the cost pool-Actual or Budget. The allocation calculation uses the Accounting entries (Actual) or Budget entries (Budget) to accumulate the monetary amounts to be allocated, and calculate the allocation percentages.

Depending on the calculation method assigned to the allocation code, both Actual and Budget may not be available for selection.

If Budget is chosen as the Basis for the calculation, you must have budgeted for all segments that are required to create a complete transaction entry. The Budget entries are based on the selected Primary Budget Version by the Administrator (Organization>Set Up Modules>Budget>Budget Versions). See Set Up Budget Versions.

Period, Balances From, Balances To: Select a period of Custom, Last Month, Last Quarter, or Last Year. This period is related to the Balances From and Balances To dates. Enter the date range defining the monetary amounts to calculate the allocations. The system automatically displays the value of the default period that was selected on the Process Information Tab. Period can be changed without affecting the Default Period. However, editing the date range changes the Period to “Custom.” These columns are only available if the allocation code uses the Employee Headcount, Indirect Cost Rate, Labor Hours, Relative Account Balances, Transaction Count, UDF Unit Measures, or Weighted Average Daily Balance allocation methods (Maintain>Allocation Codes - Allocation Tab).

Options Continue Calculation if a Selected Allocation Code Yields No Entries: During a sequential allocation calculation, if one or more allocation codes do not yield any entries, the system stops the calculation process. If this check box is selected, the system will advance to the next allocation code and continue calculating. The Allocation Calculation report is available for the calculated portion and the unposted transactions are available for review.

  • To print the data entered on this form, use Reports>Allocation Management>Allocation Calculation Codes.
  • The Reports>Allocations Management reports include the accounting effects of the unposted Allocation session. If more than one unposted session exists, you can filter which unpaid session to include in the report. This allows allocations to be reviewed before they are posted (Activities>Manage Sessions>Post Transactions).
  • Reverse and copy a posted allocation session using Manage Sessions>Reverse Posted Sessions and Copy Posted Sessions.
  • The Periods of Last Month, Last Quarter, and Last Year are used for recurring calculations.
  • Print the Allocation Calculation Report to review the Amounts for Pool, Percent Calculation, and Recipient. For more information, see Report Options.