Enabling Baseline Demographic Data Fields for Individuals
You can easily enable baseline Demographic Data Fields to record additional information about an individual from their Individual Profile. Baseline demographic fields are defined as those fields where the caption field is already specified and may not be edited. This includes those fields such as date of birth, gender, marital status, spouse's name, and so forth. Further, you can specify to capture the information on iWeb, eWeb, and to synchronize the data to the MemberFuse social community if desired (save those where set up is dictated for eWeb through directory setup or web site editor components) .
After you enable baseline demographic fields and then add them on Individual Profiles, you will be able to search for the individuals that match specified demographics from the Find Individual page or by running a query. You may also assign them to a demographic category so that you may view them by category if a profile view is customized.
Note: To be able to use demographic fields from the Find Individual page, you must have selected the Show in Find or Show in External Find check box next to that demographic field on the Demographics Setup form. Further, while this example details how to set-up demographic information for individuals, the same process can be used for Organizations, Committees, Awards, and so forth, where these check boxes are present in demographic set up for both baseline and custom demographic fields.
To enable baseline demographic data fields for individuals:
- Hover over the Modules tab in the top navigation bar. In the fly out menu, click CRM.
- On the CRM / Overview page, expand the Individuals group item and click Setup Demographics.
- In the Demographics Setup window, notice the column headers for Order, Caption, Type of Input, Category (if enabled) Show Internally, Show Externally, Show in Find, Show in External Find, Show Online, Use in Community, External Directory, Required, Multi/Single Select, and Long Description. As noted above, baseline demographic fields are defined as those fields where the caption field is already specified and may not be edited. The image below shows a sample of these. You may modify their parameters as desired which are described below.
- Enter or modify the Order number for the data entry field as needed. (This is the order it will appear on the form relative to the other fields.)
Tip: If you leave the order "0", it is the same as entering "1." It is best to use a numbering schema of 10, 20, 30, etc., so that you can easily edit and re-order the demographics as you add new ones. The data fields will only show on the forms if you select check boxes in the Show Internally, Show Externally, etc. columns. It is important to note that each item must have a separate and distinct order number. If each item does not have a unique order, netFORUM will randomize the order of the items on the page and eventually generate an error. This ordering will also occur by category if you customize a profile.
- If you want to be able to view this demographic information from the Individual Profile internally, select the Show Internally check box. If this check box is not selected, the demographic will not appear when viewing the individual profile or when adding a new individual. Once you select this check box to collect a specific demographic on iWeb, it appears in the Additional Information section when adding a new individual and also on the Individual Profile. The individual profile fields that have been moved to baseline demographics and that are, subsequently, affected by this change include designation, title, individual type, nickname, Website, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr, and slideshare.
You may use design demographics to set up how these fields appear in the additional information section as well as tab order. View the online help topic Designing Custom Forms for Demographics for more information.
- If you want to be able to view this information from the Individual Profile on the eWeb site, select the Show Externally check box (save those where set up is dictated for eWeb through directory setup or web site editor components).
- If you want to be able to search for individuals using these demographics from the Find Individual page (iWeb), select the Show in Find check box.
- If you want to be able to search for individuals using these demographics from the eWeb site, select the Show in External Find check box.
- To display this information in a pop-up window after the individual clicks View More Information on the Web site, select the Show Online check box.
- To synchronize these demographics over to the MemberFuse community, select the Use in Community check box.
- To display this information with the individual information on the Individual Directory Search Results page of the Web site, select the External Directory check box.
- If you want to make sure that the information is collected before the record is saved, select the Required check box.
- Click Save.
If you do not find the specific demographic you need in baseline demographics, you may create your own. View how to create a custom demographic at Creating Custom Demographic Data Fields.
Tip: Remember, you may decide the look and feel of how you present your demographics in customized forms both on iWeb and on eWeb. View Designing Custom Forms for Demographics for more information.