Viewing Additional Details for Memberships on eWeb My Transactions
Additional transaction details are now viewable for open orders on membership purchases that have distributions or multiple charge codes setup. This is helpful for those customers that desire a complete breakdown of charges on their open orders. Contact Abila Support to enable the eWebOrderProfileTrxDetail system option.
For example, notice that when the My Transaction page is accessed through eWeb in the screenshot below, the customer has an existing open order containing a membership transaction. Clicking or editing the open order will, as usual, prompt the My Transaction Details window.
The My Transaction Details page details the breakdown of membership distributions and charge codes, as seen above, on open orders. Notice that the NATW Professional membership has a distribution for membership dues and for an event included as part of its price code. This can be seen under the Transaction Type heading. This is only applicable for those member types that have dues rate with multiple distributions or charge codes set-up.
For users of the netFORUM Pro for Real Estate Associations, this feature will also breakdown and list a realtor’s various memberships (national, state, local.)