Welcome to Online Help for Abila® netFORUM Pro!
Abila netFORUM Pro is a Web-based application for customer relationship management (CRM), membership management, committee management, event management, accounting, e-commerce, e-marketing, and other association management tasks. We hope that online help will help you to get started, learn how to navigate the system, and show you step-by-step how to use netFORUM Pro to its greatest potential.
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What's New in Abila netFORUM Pro 2015.3
What's New in Abila Abila netFORUM Pro 2015.3
Tip: Click the hyperlinked topic names to view the full help topic or use the Search tab and related keywords provided for each new topic to find similar topics for more information. Using the related keywords to display related or similar topics is useful for increasing your overall knowledge about a topic. Look for updates within topics by finding the NEW in 2015.3 icon.
General Updates
The netFORUM Pro 2015.3 release is mainly a maintenance release focused on delivering a more stable and user-friendly experience.
There is one general update and improvement to the netFORUM Pro 2015.3 release.
Design Demographics Supports Multiple Browsers
Design Demographics is now compatible with Internet Explorer, Edge, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.
For more information see, Design Demographics.
Demographic Controls displayed in Safari.
Issues Addressed in Abila netFORUM Pro 2015.3
Issues Addressed in Abila netFORUM Pro 2015.3
The following issues are addressed in Build 2015.3.
Tip: Use the number associated with each issue to look up the issue in the Abila Support Portal.
Issue # | Description |
18298 | Manually creating a credit now correctly debits Revenue and credits Liability in the General Ledger. |
18115 | Refund transactions are now correctly included in a batch. |
18173 | Cancelling one or more items on a closed invoice no longer removes the Close Date and leaves the Status set to Closed when no balance is due. |
Issue # | Description |
18153 | Paying a subscription open order after the drop process now promotes the subscription to Current Subscriptions or allows for manual promotion of the subscription using the 'Promote' button. |
15785 | An MLS FTP Transfer now includes all results and no longer factors expiration dates. |
Issue # | Description |
16280 | The first invoice can now be cancelled when two invoices are generated using the ‘Recertify/Invoice‘ process on the certification program information page. |
Issue # | Description |
18337 |
A date can now be added and saved to CRM demographic fields in PRO-CA when DateTimeCulture is set as 'en-CA.' |
Issue # | Description |
17788 | Using Product Type and Category now returns correct results when shopping online for an individual. |
17951 | Firefox correctly displays subtotals in eWeb for multiple products added to a shopping cart. |
18234 | 'Pay in full with credit' payment option is no longer available if no credit is available when using Group Registration. |
18471 | reCAPTCHA no longer preventing donations from processing on eWeb. |
18088 | Items for purchase now display in the correct List Order in the Online Store. |
13649 | Internet security for the View Cart link and Add to Cart link in eweb has been improved. |
15946 | The total amount for a group registration now correctly matches the total amount in the shopping cart. |
Issue # | Description |
17848 | Adding source code in the HTML Editor now correctly saves. |
17904 | The Abila anti-SPAM policy has been updated to reflect current company policies and contact information. |
17507 | Membership renewal emails now correctly add the {cst_name_cp} and {cst_ind_full_name_dn} fields in emails sent in bulk. |
Issue # | Description |
18102 | The Price Start Date and Price End Date now adjust correctly during the copy event process to reflect the new event dates. |
Issue # | Description |
18496 | Setting an Exhibit End Time set before Exhibit Start Time now correctly considers the Start Date and End Date when determining is date/time is set correctly. |
Issue # | Description |
18239 |
The email and country fields for individuals no longer display when set not to show under the Web Site Editor, Individual Directory tab, Individual Directory Setup check boxes. |
Issue # | Description |
18157 | The Purchase Confirmation - Individual Profile Report now shows accurate information for partial payments. |
18278 | The Event Sign-In Sheet (Event Profile) Report now only shows registrants who are attending the event. |