You are here: netFORUM Pro Modules > Accounting > Late Fees > Applying a Late Fee to a Single Customer
Applying a Late Fee to a Single Customer
Once you have your late fee set-up, you may apply it to a single customer or a batch of customers as follows:
- Use the iWeb Shopping Cart to apply a late fee to a customer's account
- Use the Generate Late Fees action item to apply a late fee to multiple customer accounts.
Note: Late fees may not be applied if the original invoice batch is closed.
To apply a late fee to a single customer, complete the following steps:
- Locate the customer profile and click Shopping button located on their profile in iWeb.
- In the Shop For: drop-down, select Late Fee then enter the name of your late fee. Your late fee will appear with the flat rate member and non-member price. Recall that only flat rates set-up will appear for iWeb and individuals while percentages are used for the batch processing of multiple late fees which is discussed below.
Note: Late Fees only appear in the Shopping Cart on iWeb for staff to apply. They do not appear on eWeb.
- Select the late fee and then click Add to Cart as you would a normal product
Note that you may override the Item Price of the late fee to differentiate between the various business rules you may have set-up for terms.
- Continue through the Check Out process as you normally would. Select the Previous Order/Invoice you will be assessing the late fee to during this process.
- The late fee will be included along with the outstanding purchase on the Confirmation page.
- The invoice that is created will contain both the prior outstanding balance and the late fee that was assessed (both order numbers are included as well).
- Finally, each Individual or Organizationprofile will keep track of all assessed late fees they accrue on the Late Fees child form found on the Purchasestab.