The Charge Code Drop-down List
When adding a price for a product, you will need to select a Charge Code. Charge Codes are associated with revenue and A/R accounts and are used to track accounting transactions for orders, invoices, and payments. When setting up products (add merchandise, events, memberships, etc.), you will need to select a default charge code. When someone purchases the product, the charge code is linked to the invoice, order, and payment. When you fulfill the merchandise, event registration, membership, or subscription, the charge codes are used to generate journal entries that can be uploaded to a financial package.
You can distribute revenue across more than one account. If a customer makes a partial payment, the charge code accounts will receive revenue based on the order set up in the Distribution Priority lists.
When you create an order or invoice for a product purchase, the default charge code will be used. When a payment is received, the charge code linked to the original invoice or order will be associated with the payment.
Note: Bundle, Credit, and Refund charge codes are set up separate from other charge codes, when your netFORUM entity is created. These charge codes are editable under the Credit, Refund and Bundle Charge Codes child form.