You are here: netFORUM Pro Modules > Awards > Award Judges > Adding Judge Information from the Awards Overview
Adding Judge Information from the Awards Overview
By storing relevant information on award judges, you can determine which judges' talents are best suited to certain awards. Store an award judge’s information (name, biography, years of experience, education, and special instructions) in the Award Judge Profile.
To add Award Judge Information:
- Hover over the Modules tab in the top navigation bar. In the fly out menu, click Awards.
- On the Awards Overview page, click Add a Judge.
- On the Award Judge Information form, click the lookup
button next to the Name (last, first) field (required). To narrow your search, enter the all or part of the judge’s name in the Name (last first) field (required) before clicking the lookup
button.The List - Individual pop-up will appear - select the desired individual from the list.
- In the Bio text box, enter a brief biography for the selected judge. Include information and experience that may be relevant to awards being judged.
- Enter the judge's Years in Field as well as Education in the appropriate fields.
- In the Special Instructions text box, enter any special instructions related to the judge.
- Click Save to create the Judge Profile. Keep in mind that the information you enter for the Award Judge will not overwrite any information in the CRM customer record of the judge.
You may also access the Add a Judge option by expanding the Award Judges group item and clicking Add Award Judge.